"What's this little girl doing here" okay I'm not that small, am I?

"This is our new recruit boss" Guy 2 said

"Like hell she is" the chubby man said

"Look the kid is desperate"

"I don't give a crap" he shout at us. I was getting real sick of everyone's shit at this point.

"Look here, I'm (YN) (LN)" The mans eyes seem to widen as he heard my name.

"So what's the daughter of the esteemed (DN) (LN) doing on Mars"

"That's none of your business, however I need a place to stay"

"What makes you think I'll let you stay on this base"

"I'll pay you"

"And how much we're talking" I swear you can get people like him to do anything if you just mentioned money.

"Let's say about $25k, and that's if you don't tell anyone I'm here" I pulled the money out my bag and dropped it on the table.

He seemed to think over it but agreed nonetheless.

"You got yourself a deal kid" we shook hands "But I only let boys stay and work on this base so you'll have to do something about that"

He threw me a uniform before I was lead down a hall and into a room.

"Maruba said you stay here, just don't get in the way of other people's work" I nodded my head as he closed the door. I took in the interior of the room. It was pretty basic and had a shower, but I'd have to get used to it.

I quickly put on the uniform I was given. I put my hair in the hat given to me. I looked okay, until I was my chest area. I looked around the room for some tape as found some not miraculously. Why do they have chest tape? Who knows. After that, I looked like a  bona fide boy. I guess I need a new name too, (BN) should do.

The Next Day

I woke really early. For what reason, I don't know. However, I found my way to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"I could probably make something good for everyone" I shrugged and began cooking. Back at home my mother forbid me to help in the kitchen. 'That's what we have cooks for' she'd always say. That didn't stop me for wanting to learn.

I whipped up a large breakfast consisting of egg, bacon, grits, and sausage.

"Man something smells good" I hear a voice say. I saw a few of the boys beginning to walk in for breakfast I assume.

"You must be the guy I heard the higher ups talking about" A boy with two toned hair asked. Most of his hair was blonde aside from the brown parts that reached his neck

"And they made you a cook, gee you have it easy" A red haired boy said

"I kinda appointed myself this position" I scratched the back of my head.

"That's even better" the red boy shouted

"Ride calm down, I'm Takaki by the way" he introduced

"And I'm Ride" Well this one has a lot of energy

"Nice to meet your guys, I'm (BN)"

After breakfast, began wandering around the base for some time, just looking for something to do. I passed a for boys here and there but they paid me no mind. I continued on my way before I stumbled upon a garage of people working on Mobile Workers. The only adult was a dark skin male.

"What are you up to" I say, startling the grown man.

"Where did you come from"

"He's  the newest addition to the CGS. He cooked breakfast this morning." the blonde haired guy said. He had his hair swept over one of his eyes. But by the tone of his voice, he didn't seem to happy to see me.

"Oh yeah, Well I'm Nadi Yukinojo. Mobile worker Mechanic."

"(BN), so what's the issue" I asked again

"Well this Mobile worker has been down for a few days, we've tried everything to it back up and running."

"Can I try"

"And what are you going to do to fix, cook" The boy really has an attitude.

"Don't mind Yagami" Nadi said

I approached the mobile worker and opened the panel that exposed all the gears and wiring. I grabbed a nearby wrench and got work. Moments later I finished.

"That should do it" I wipe the oil off my hands

"How do we know if it works" Yagami said in doubt

"Test it out yourself" I say. He then proceeded to take of his shirt before getting in the worker.

"W-What is he doing" I could feel my face flush

"Don't you know about the Alaya-Vijnana System"

"Yeah but" I couldn't find my words

"All the boys got one a little after coming to the CGS." He informed "You should've got one"

"Maruba said nothing about getting the Alaya-Vijnana"

"Hm, that's weird"

"Hey old man it actually works"

"Seriously!?" He said in disbelief, he turned towards me "What did you do"

"You know a little configuring and rewiring and ta-da" Yagami looked shocked. Don't you love proving people wrong.

"With skills like that you shouldn't be in a kitchen" Nadi said patting my shoulder.

A Noble Runaway {Orga x Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora