First Date+Kiss

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Me and Alfred are chilln' in my restaurant chatting about varying topics when he interrupts a waiter.

"Yo, dude, what's this 'sugar rush' thing?" He asks.

"It's a challenge where you have to eat the entire dessert menu in 1 ½ hours. If you finish in time, the food is free and you get a picture on the wall." The waiter replied.

"Awesome! Sign me up!" Alfred exclaims like a little child.

"Right away sir." The waiter says and rushes to the kitchen to alert everyone.

~~~Time Skip brought to you by France stalking you from the bushes~~~

"I am in heaven dude~" Alfred swoons at all the desserts on the table. There are minimal, simplistic cakes, to macarons in the shape of flowers, to a lava cake, to chocolate mousse cups with sugar flowers on it. Case in point, there are a lot of desserts on the table.

Alfred starts to nom away all the sweets while I sit and watch as he does so, sipping a strawberry celsur. Alfred manages to finish with 5 minutes to spare, the only problem is, he is sugar high.

"(YYYY/NNNNN)~ Has anyone ever told you how cute you are~" He coos, now attached to me by the hip.

"Yes, you've only told me the same thing for the past five minutes." I say, getting a little annoyed at this point.

"I hope you're enjoying our date (Y/N)~" He continues, slurring a little, and burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"Date? What date?" I ask.

I feel him chuckle into my neck as he responds, "The one we're on right now, silly~ I wouldn't try to impress you for nothing~"

He snuggles closer to me and looks up. His eyes look like that of a doe, but there is some mischief in them.

"Alfred, what do you think you're do-mfff!" I start, only to get cut off by Alfred's lips on mine. After the initial shock, I start to kiss back. It tastes sweet, some would say unbearably so, but the kiss itself was passionate and gentle. And the waiter takes the picture for the wall and asks for Alfred to sign it.

Alfred does and goes back to snuggling like nothing happened, I'm on fire like there is no tomorrow and trying to comprehend what happened.


Date night! I'm super excited! I hope i miei fratelli (my brothers) are okay with me leaving for an afternoon.

"Fratelli! I've got a date this afternoon, I'll be home around... 8 maybe 9." I tell them.

They look at each other for a few seconds and then turn their backs to words me, shoulder to shoulder and very audibly mumbling. Having a 'Bro conference.' Before nodding at me. I smile and head up into my room to pick out something to wear. I settle on a casual button up shirt with an overcoat and scarf along with dress pants. I head downstairs and grab my over-the-shoulder bag for my art supplies. I wave to my brothers and leave. I walk over to Galleria degli Uffizi and start waiting for Arthur to show. I take out my sketchbook and draw, it takes out an hour for Arthur to meet me.

"Sorry for being so late, Darling. I had some trouble getting directions." Arthur quickly explains and sits next to me.

I smile and give him a peck on the head and reassure him that it's okay. He starts to blush and looks away, not saying anything. I put my hand on his waist and scooch him closer to me. He's still red in the face but snuggles into me.

"Do you want to get this date started?" I asked him after a few minutes of silence.

He silently nods and we stand up and start to walk around enjoying the sights of Italy. I keep my arm around his waist because I find it pretty comfy to have Arthur near me. And with the look on his face, I think he likes it too. We just walk and buy some food at the stalls. He thinks that the low-quality stuff was the best and is drawn to the shady stalls. I should fix that thought, quickly. There is a very popular zeppole (deep fried Boston cream donuts bites) stand a few blocks away. I head over and buy a small cup to share with him and pop one in my mouth.

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