Chapter 1: First Meet

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Okay... So Francis somehow convinced me to go on this blind date with someone. I don't know if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. All I know is that I might die today. Yes I am exaggerating for effect. I mean that today might end horribly.Ya see, no one has ever taken interest in me, or I've never taking interest in someone. France might be the country of romance, but I've never had a boyfriend. You can understand why I would be suspicious.

I look at myself in the vanity mirror on my wall. A little (F/C) dress that goes past my knees, black flats, little gold chain bracelet, and a shoulder strap purse. I didn't bother to do anything with my hair or wear makeup, because I like my hair down and I can't wear makeup. My skin is too sensitive to the chemicals that make l'oreal or Cover Girl products. So I stick to Bare Mineral and Burt's Bees stuff.

I was walking to the restaurant where the date was set up and... made a B-line for the park. Aren't I a genius? I enter the park and sit on a bench that overlooks the pond. I stare for a while when a man walks up. He's blond with a bad case of cowlick. He has red framed glasses, a gray hoodie, blue headphones, jeans, and hightops with the American flag on it.

"What are you doing all alone?" The man asks.

"Skipping class, what about you?" I say.

"Okay, sass. I'm Alfred F. Jones, a.k.a the HERO!" Alfred shouts.

"I'm (Y/N) Bonnefoy. It's nice to meet you Alfred." I say.

"(Y/NNNNNNNNNNN)!!!" Francis yells as he walks into the park.

"That's my que. Bye Alfred." I say and skedaddle.


I walk into the art studio and wait for My fratellos to show up. Feli said he wanted me to be a nude model for him today. I don't know why, I don't care why. I'm always happy to help Feli. And besides, this isn't the first time he asked me to do this. Feli and Lovino walk into the studio a few minutes later.

"Alright, let's-a get this over with fratello." Lovino says to Feli as they get set up. I take off the baggy hoodie I was wearing and get onto the small stage. Feli sets up his canvas and looks over at me. All of my clothes are near me incase someone walk in. And they start to paint. A few hours into the painting someone walks in. He has blond hair and big eyebrows, a brit by the looks of it.

"Hey, Ital- OH MY GOD!" He shouts and quickly leaves the room still shouting," WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING!?"

Feli and Lovino look at each other and shrug.

"Um... should we do something about that?" I ask them.

"Ve~ How about-a efter we're done?" Feli asks back. I let out a small sigh and get off the stage. They start to asks more questions about what I'm doing as I slip back into my hoodie, yeah 'cause forget about pants, the hoodie's big enough. I walk out of the room and the british man sitting in a chair on the right side of the hallway. Still blushing and flustered and probably trying to figure out what happened.

"Excuse me?" I ask him and watch him jump from the sudden voice.

"Wha... um, oh. Hello sir. Is there a problem?" He manages to force out.

"Just wanted to say sorry about what you saw when you walked in." I apologise, "I was just being the nude model for Feli." I tell, he starts blushing again and looking at his feet,

"I really didn't need to know that, sir."

"Na, don't call me 'sir.' Sono (Y/N)"

"I'm Arthur, it's nice to meet you. I guess." He says and we shake hands. I head back into the room after that so Feli can finish his painting.

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