A Study in Children

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Hi guys, so my Doctor who fanfic, Timelords can Dance, is getting really confusing and I don't know what to write. So I've started writing this. Yes it is a Johnlock but there will be NO SMUT, the highest in that category I will go would be kissing. So don't get all excited and be like "yay I'm bored let's read some smutty Johnlock" because it ain't happening. I hope you like it!

~C xoxo


Sherlocks POV

"John are you sure about this because there's no turning back now"

We were in the waiting room of the hospital. We were finally getting a child. It had taken ages for us to finally decide to adopt a child. Sherlock could tell John was nervous but so was he. He had never had a child before and he certainly didn't know how to hold a child, let alone take care of one. Sherlock noticed Johns hand was shaking, he took it into his own and smiled at him.

"I'm fine Sherlock, just a little nervous. What if there's something wrong with the baby when it's born. What if we don't get what we want-"

Sherlock cut him off.

"John we will love that baby just the same, even if he/she has a problem. It won't matter what gender it is because we will love the child no matter what"

John smiled at this. Sherlock knew he could be reassuring at times but he couldn't help wondering the same things. They knew that if it was a girl her name would be Harriet Molly Watson-Holmes, if a boy Hamish Scott Watson-Holmes. We had both fraught hard on the last name, we both wanted it to be our own last names but in what order? We finally decided on Watson-Holmes because it sounded more fitting. By the time we actually decided to adopt the waiting list went down and we only had to wait 9 months because a very nice women that knew who we were, she probably read Johns blog. She was a very nice 17 year old who couldn't take care of the child, being a teenager and wanting to be able to go to university to become a lawyer. She was smart I guess. As smart as normal people come, so I hope that he/she has those genes. We only saw the father once. He was nice but afraid. I could tell that he didn't want the baby and wasn't going to support the mother. When the adoption agency gave us her file I was quite pleased. Her name was Ariella Gina Johnson, she was a straight A student, going into Harvard Law school. Overall she was nice.

I looked back at John, god he was so cute when he was nervous.

I tried to reassure him. "You don't think I'm nervous John? I can't take care of a child! I didn't even know that I liked you until you kissed me!"

John smiled at the kissing part. Sherlock could remember that moment clearly in his mid. So far it was the best day of his life.


"Sherlock I need to talk to you"

John looked at him very seriously.

"John if it's about the brain in the fridge, yes I will remove it soon just wait one more day and the experiment will be finished"

"No sherlock it's not about that, I didn't even know it was in there but now that I know can I just say that you need to stop putting body parts in the fridge. It's unsanitary to have rotted body parts with food. What if we got sick? One day we are renting out 221a so you can have an experiment room with a special fridge just for body parts"


"Really sherlock, just not now"

"Ok john now what is it you are going to tell me?"

"Actually I need to show you"

John looked at his feet nervously as he pulled sherlock into his bedroom. He motioned for him to sit down. He sat down in the bed as john did the same.

"Sherlock there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time now. I wasn't sure how to tell you so I just decided to show you..."

Sherlock looked up to John's face getting uncomfortably close to his own. What was he doing?

Suddenly John's lips were on his, all of his thoughts slipped away. Nothing else mattered in the world at that moment except John. He found himself getting into it and moving his mouth in the same motion as Johns. He had never kissed anyone before, well anyways he liked it. He felt John smile into the kiss as sherlock cupped is hands around John's face. It was turning into a full make-out session now and Sherlock was starting to feel a little bit embarrassed. John pulled away smiling as Sherlock came back to reality.

"I think I love you sherlock"

/end of flash back/

John looked at Sherlock's smiling face as he came back to reality.

"What are you smiling at Sherlock?"

"Oh nothing, just remembering the first time we kissed"

"That isn't nothing Sherlock, that was the day we became a couple, it's our anniversary"

"I know John I just didn't want to make deal of it"

John smiled at this. Sherlock knew john liked it when he was considerate. John gave him a small peck on the lips.

"Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, you can come in now"

He sighed a deep sigh and helped john out of his chair. We walked into Ariellas room to see her asleep in the bed. She must be tired. That's when we saw the baby, in a crib in the corner of the room. We read the tag on the end of the crib.

Hi my name is: unknown

I am a: boy

Sherlock smiled and hugged John. John started crying tears if joy into Sherlock's chest hugging him close.

"It's our little Hamish Sherlock, little Hamish Scott" John said happily.

"I know John. Little Hamish Scott Watson-Holmes" He said stroking Johns hair.

They heard the door open and watched the nurse walk in. She smiled at us.

"Now, Ariella will be asleep for a while. It was a long labour, also I can see that you know it's a boy, so what's his name?"

He nodded as she talked and smiled at John. John nodded to him signalling that he could tell her. Sherlock smiled and looked at the nurse.

"Hamish Scott Watson-Holmes"

"Ok that's a lovely name, I'll leave you alone now with Hamish"

A Study in ChildrenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz