"What am I looking at?"

"Missing persons case in Russellville, Arkansas. Three victims were on a camping trip together when they disappeared. Relatives hadn't heard from them in days and called for the police. They were due to go back home last week."

"When did the cops show?"

"Three days ago. There were no sings of foul play, and all of their stuff was left behind."

The wrinkles on Dean's forehead deepened as a frown settled over his brow. "That's weird."

"No kidding. I decided to do some historical digging on the area. I thought maybe the woods could've been home to some ancient burial ground, but turns out that back in the 1600's, the area used to be a camp for European slave trade. The people living in poverty were put to work and bartered for goods. I don't know, we could be looking at some sort of vengeful spirit activity, or it could be something entirely different. I mean, the disappearances have been happening for over centuries. The townsfolk have even reported seeing something lurking around the lake at night."

"Could be some wild animal or something."

"I don't know, man. It wouldn't hurt to take a trip out there and check things out for ourselves."

Dean cast a glance over at Alaine. "What do you think, babe?"

"I'm with Sam. This sounds like something right up our alley."

He nodded and checked his wristwatch before drawing back from the table. "Alright, let's get a move on. Arizona's an eight hour drive and I'd like to get there before sundown."

* * *

Much to Dean's discontent, they trio arrived at their destination half past nine o'clock. They checked into a roadside motel and dropped their belongings off into their rooms before heading back out to grab a bite to eat. Inside the local mom-and-pop diner, Sam and Dean discussed the circumstances surrounding their case while Alaine sat quietly beside the elder brother, her attention on nothing in particular. As she stared out of the window at the empty road, she listened to the Winchesters talk.

"I just can't wrap my mind around what we're dealing with," said Sam from the other side of the booth. "I mean, this isn't usual wendigo territory, unless they've chosen to migrate in the last few years."

"Could be a werewolf," Dean thought.

"I doubt it. Those reports from over time all seem describe the same thing, and from my knowledge, wendigos and werewolfs don't have glowing green eyes."

"What if they evolved, you know, into some hybrid crossbreed or something?"

Sam fixed Dean his signature pointed look. "When have we ever heard of that happening?"

"Listen, right now your guess is as good as mine. We're just gonna have to put all our heads together on this one. How about first thing tomorrow, we go pay the sheriff's department a visit? See what else we can dig up."

"And while we're at it, we can go see the victims' families. We might be able to find out more about those weird sightings around the woods."

"Sounds good. Babe, what do you think?"

Alaine turned her face toward the brothers. She looked between the two men, considering their game plan before giving an indifferent shrug and replying a simple, "sure." She then cast her gaze back over to the window and resumed to stare out of it in silence.

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