Myself and a Quick Story

Start from the beginning

                                                  The "Diarrhea" Excuse

Everyone has crushes-- that's a fact. For me, handling them was not my forte. I was very un-confrontational. There was this girl, when I was a sophomore in high school, that we'll give the alias Lily. I had moved back to Wichita, KS (where I spent most of my life living) from technically Albuquerque, NM (it was actually Little Rock, AR but that's a whole different story). I was going to a different high school than what my family wanted me to go to at the time. Pretty much, it would only be for one semester that I would go to this other high school. Anyway, I had a social studies class with her. I really did not know how I could approach her or let alone talk to her, thank you INTROVERTED, SHY KC. The goal was for me to be her friend, at least. My mindset was "I am this very nerdy, ugly guy-- I'm already out of my league trying to befriend her". We sat at the same table and I would constantly be scared to go to this social studies class because I would be thinking about her. As the teacher would talk on about Franklin D. Roosevelt and his "New Deal" proposal, I would be playing scenarios in my head of how I could talk to Lily. I guess, when she was not in class one time, I was feeling relieved but sad at the same time because she was not there. I spaced out and daydreamed during that day. 

The scenario that was playing through my head was literally this: 

*walks into class, sees Lily*

"Hey Lily, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good, what about you KC?"

"I'm doing good too, are you having a great day?"

"Yeah! Are you?"

*bell rings for class*

"Yeah! So I was wondering if you had like any time after class to talk."

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"No-um, I mean yes. Something is wrong."

"Well, what's wrong KC?"

"Yeah, what's wrong KC?"-- says our social studies teacher.

"Umm, nothing. I'll sit down."- I said back to him. 

"KC, if it's about Lily, everyone knows you have this big crush on her so just tell her."- he replied back. 

And, at that moment, I said, in a very silent classroom:

"Ok, yeah, you're right. I like her a lot."

I was not aware that I had said such a thing in front of like EVERYONE in the class. My social studies teacher had kept me in his classroom after class to talk to me. He had asked me, "KC, what is going on?" and I kept saying "Nothing is wrong". 

He then went to his desk and pulled out a folded piece of paper that had writing and unfolded it. "Explain this, then." 

It was that moment that I stood there and my world was still. My heart stopped. 

YUP, it was everything you guessed-- a crush letter that I would give to Lily if it really came down to it. Cringed yet? 

I had to explain my case to my social studies teacher about the paper and it was VERY awkward. We then made a deal that we would just "bury the hatchet" and move on from that point. He also gave me some pointers if I were to try to engage into a conversation with Lily. The next day came around and Lily came back to school. I knew that I had to talk to her THAT day-- my social studies teacher knew about it and I assumed my table-mates (besides her) knew about it. It was very obvious and I'm sure she knew too. 

Social Studies came around and I walked into class. 

She was right there. 

I walked up to my chair and sat down. She looked at me and cracked a small smile. 

I was dripping a sweat that came down from the side of my head to my chin. At that moment, I knew I was done for. I had screwed this up-- there's no going back. She had asked me if I was feeling okay. Then, the unexpected happened. 

"I like you", I said. 

There was a pause.

"... I mean, I like that you showed up to class today!" I changed my statement. 

My social studies teacher GLARED at me, looking with such disappointment. 

Yup, I had turned away at a opportunity. 

Then, I asked if I could go to the nurses office. My teacher wrote me a pass. I told the nurse that I had diarrhea this morning and I was pooping my pants all day. I ended up calling my grandpa, asking him if he could pick me up because of my diarrhea. When my grandpa came to the school, he had asked me if I really had diarrhea. 

I told him that I did-- emotional diarrhea from my cheeks. My grandpa shook his head in disappointment. 

From that day on, I decided that I was just going to let go of the emotions and not do anything about it. I am pretty sure she was just being friendly and wanted NOTHING to do with me. What's funny is that we're Facebook friends today. 

Anyway, that's that small story for this chapter. I will try to do this as often as I can. I used to do vlogs but those took so much time to put together. I feel like, with this, I can come up with more content, spend less time editing, and sharing it with you guys much sooner! Tell me what you think about this! Also, if you want me to talk about something specific, let me know and I'll put it on here! Thanks so much and I hope you guys will enjoy this little project blog thing! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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