"How Ashton? How the hell are we going to do that! I know you're just trying to stay positive and that's great for you, but I'm not strong and confident like you! I can't hold out in places like this for this long! I'm going crazy Ash, I can feel it!" She yelled as she stood up and started to pace again.

"I'm not as 'strong and confident' as you think I am. You know how I'm keeping somewhat calm?" I paused and looked at her to see that she had her head looking down at her feet. I put my hand under her chin to get her to look at me. "You. Your why I can wake up and not panic every day. Jay, you're so much stronger than you think, as I keep saying, and I'll keep telling you that until you get it into your head and believe it." I told her, never letting my gaze leave her wonderful eyes.

"But how can you stay here with a crazy person like me?" She said, looking at her feet once again.

I pulled her into me and wrapped my arms around her small waist, as I rested me chin on the top of her head. "Well I guess that means I'm just as crazy as you."



"Michael what the fuck?" I yelled and through the rolled up paper ball back at him.

"Sorry" he chuckled, "it slipped."

I rolled my eyes and stood from the couch, going into the kitchen to grabs piece of day old pizza. I glanced at the time and saw it was 5pm. "Michael, wasn't Cammie's shift over at 3?" I asked, starting to worry.

"Uh, yeah I think. Maybe she worked a longer shift. Stop worrying about every little thing Lucas" Michael said, chuckling as he took the pizza from my hand.

Michael was either completely mellow, or totally on edge, there was never any in-between with him. I sighed and dug into my pocket for my phone. "I'm just gonna call her quick."

I've known Cammie since I was ten, she was like a sister to me, so of course I was going to worry about her. She usually always texts us if she's working later. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if she's ever really at her own house. All four of us practically live here in my apartment.

I scrolled through my contacts till I reached Cammie and put the phone to my ear, hearing the ringing tone over and over again until her voicemail finally came up. I pressed the end call button and ran a hand through my hair, even more worried. I tried to just sit on the couch and play a video game with Michael to make the thoughts of worry go away, but it didn't work. After trying to clear my head for a good hour I finally gave up. By now it was past 6pm and I knew she never worked this late.

Michael noticed my panicking again and sighed. "Okay come on, stop thinking of the worst. Jay's out of that psycho place and as for Cammie, she's probably just out with some of her other friends" he said, pausing his intense video game.

"I know, I know. But I just can't, bad thoughts are always running through my head" I pressed the tips of my two fingers to the brim of my nose and closed my eyes, just trying to think of the good thoughts, not the bad.

I sat there, watching Michael play whatever video game he was obsessed with this month as he cursed at the TV multiple times. I pulled up my camera roll and scrolled through the dozens of pictures of all four of us, smiling and laughing. I wish it could go back to that, I hated this, not knowing what to do or what was going to happen next. I was always on edge since that day. Michael was too, just not when he's playing video games.

It was almost ten and there was still no sign of Cammie. I sighed, getting off the couch and heading to the bathroom to splash some water onto my face. I looked into the mirror and whipped the water of my face. "It's gonna be okay" I mumbled, trying to convinced myself. Nothing was working though, I couldn't get the thoughts from my mind. I was stressed out beyond belief.

After countless minutes in the bathroom, just trying to calm myself down, I headed back down the steps to join Michael yet again. I grabbed a bottle of water from the counter and plopped down on the couch again. I couldn't keep still at all, my leg keep bouncing and my fingers kept twitching. I looked out the window and saw the pitch darkness, and it reminded me of all the darkness in my head. The dark thoughts of Jay and now Cammie, of what was going to happen. Questions spiraled in my head, was Jay out? Was she safe? How would we find her? How would we find Cammie if something did go wrong? So many questions and so little I could do about them.

"Oh, someone called you when you were upstairs" Michael said, breaking me from my thoughts. I scurried for my phone, hoping the call was from Cammie so I could stop worrying. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw the called ID was her. I clicked on my voicemail from her and put my phone to my ear.

I listened to the automated tone tell me I had one new voicemail as it continued to play the message. But the voice that came on the speaker wasn't Cammie's. It was a man's voice, I felt paralyzed as the voice continued to talk.

"One of your little friends is dead, the other will be too if you think you can save the day again"

There was a long pause before the next two words came through, those two words instantly struck me and made my mind spiral even more out of control and made my knees grow weak.

"You're next."


(AN: Cliffhanger again yay! Haha, I actually really like this chapter, it took me forever to write though.

What do you think is gonna happen next? You can leave comments and stuff, I like talking to you guys♡

Oh and remember to vote and share this story too. I'm starting to get more reads and I'm happy because of that.

I wrote this entire chapter while listening to The 1975 and the 5SOS Don't Stop EP, that I'm in love with. And the song Wrapped Around Your Finger is a really good song to listen to when your writing something suspenseful, js.

Last thing, please go read my new fanfic, 11:59 if you haven't already. It's like a punk Michael fanfic and if you could read it, vote on it, and share it to get it more reads them that would be awesome.

PS: It'll probably be hard for me to update quick this week because I have softball literally everyday. But just hang in there, thanks, ily ♡)

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