I somehow find my way to the ward and back into my room. I plop down on the bed and grab Theo, squeezing him so hard that I think his little cat head is going to pop off. I stop and look at him. He's grey with white paws and green eyes. His whiskers are frayed and none of the stuffing is in his neck anymore. His head flops. His ears are folded back. You can't even tell that he's a cat anymore. He looks like a grey blob.

I slowly lay down and look at the ceiling. It's the same kind of panels they have in my school with the same fluorescent lights. I close my eyes and roll over. Maybe if I sleep I'll forget about life for a while.

"Dinner time." I jolt awake and sit up quickly.

"Dinner time." The nurse repeats. She somehow opened the door without me waking up. This Wonder Drug has been making me sleepy.

I slowly climb out of bed and slink out into the hall and sigh. Nelly is going to give me Hell again. It's been two days and she hasn't let up.

I walk into the cafeteria and sit down at my regular spot. Wyatt and Noah are already there.

"Hey Violet." Wyatt smiles and leans forward from the other side of the table.

"Hey." I rub my eyes. "I fell asleep."

"I can tell," Noah sets his elbows on the table "the Wonder Drug knocks you out."

Emma walks out from the girls hall. "Hey guys." Her hair is braided, it looks really good. I could never braid my hair that neatly. She sits down next to me. "Wonder Drug?"

I nod.

"You look tired."

"I'm always tired." I respond, putting my head down.

"Even when you're not here?" Wyatt asks.

"Especially when I'm not here. I rarely sleep, honestly. I have too much homework. When I have the chance to sleep, I can't fall asleep. I just lay there in the dark for hours."

I hear Emma exhale. "Tell me about it. Those were always the times I wanted to die most."

I wonder why she tried to off herself. I know Nelly was abused, I still don't know why Wyatt and Noah are here. Maybe I'll find out in group tomorrow.

I hear a door open and close accompanied by heavy footsteps. "Hallo all." Officer Braun.

I slowly sit up. "Hey."

"How vas everyone's day?" He walks up behind me and sets his hand on my shoulder.

"Eh..." Everyone responds in unison. I guess we're all tired of living here, and I've been here for two days.

"Zat's too bad." Braun responds. "Vhat is for dinner?"

"I think it was peas, mashed potatoes and meatloaf tonight." Emma says. I have no idea how she knows.

"Zat sounds...not good." Braun moves his hand from my shoulder and slides out the chair next to me.

"The food here makes me sick." Noah mumbles.

"Same here." I mutter. Food in general makes me sick right now.

The doors from the kitchen open and the staff all come out with the trays of food. I wonder where Nelly is, but I'm happy she's not here.

It's So Easy | Buddy HollyWhere stories live. Discover now