Chapter 9

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Fallacy P.O.V
As she left the blood moon was was going to happen I went to my room but I did close my door all the way. I did care it not like she is going to stop at the door that would be stupid. And I really don't want to hurt her she is to precious to even hurt. She I like a flower I have to be gentle with her she is delicate. But it is time for the blood moon to start but I had forgot to fully close the door. I heard footsteps I got scared until the blood moon had came it was to late. I had smashed my mirror but I did care about it.

Encre P.O.V
I heard something shattered in Fallacy room I peeked to see that he had broken his mirror but his were red like the blood moon. What the blood moon started I did get to go to my room yet. When I was still peeking he at me that is when I know to run as fast as I can to my room. He followed me but I have to lose him throw the hallways so he doesn't catch me. I got lost throw the hallways but I know that I am going to die. I once I was lost somebody pined me against the wall. I know ho it was Fallacy I know that I was going to be done for until think of kissing him to think that will make him stop for a while. I hope this so I had kissed him he but run to my room and locked it.
I am lucky that it but I should have already be in my room. That was all my fault for peeking in the room. But when I got there and heard knock at the door I thought it was suave but I was wrong it Fallacy I was going to run until he grabbed my arm and pushed me into the wall. He got closer to my neck and I can feel his fangs at my neck. He bite me everything was getting blurry I that I was somebody walk in here but then I had blacked out.

Suave P.O.V
I heard a loud noise from Encre room I ran in there to mi lord drink her blood. I have to stop him before she is going to die. I grab a book and hit him in the face with it. Then I had to pick up Encre ran out the room while saying sorry mi lord. I had to run to the medical room to patch up with bandage where mi lord bite. I hope that she is alright she had lost a lot of blood. I hope that the blood moon is going to be over.

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