Not again

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Roma steps into the Singania's Mansion with Sammy behind. Raghav is sitting comfortably on the couch, going through his phone, he notices Roma's entrance with Sammy behind her and sighs.
Roma stares at him with anger, fury and frustration in her sky blue eyes.
"I have a bone to pick with you. cousin"she says angrily.
" Can't it wait? "he says with a deep voice while standing.
" I'm really tired so maybe later."he says about to leave but turns and faces Sammy.
"Hey dude" he says and begins to walk away.
"You better turn that wretched thing you call a feet around because I am so tired of your attitude!" Roma yells at him causing Raghav to stop.
"You should mind your language Roma"
"Mind my language?" She says while approaching him.
"You act like the boss and controller of everyone here, do you really think you can do what you want and walk away?". She asks with frustration.
" You are not the only one who has had a rough childhood Raghav".
He turns.
"And what is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, you don't know that?" She asks sarcastically.
"I guess the great Raghav Singhania doesn't really know E.very.thing".She says while gesturing with her hands.
Sammy who has been watching the whole time mutters to himself.
" oh, this is gonna be ugly".
Raghav is fuming, literally.
*oh no guys what's gonna happen?, is there gonna be another "playful" fight? let's see*
"I call for a silencer".Raghav says while staring directly at Roma's eyes.
" Silencer granted"Roma replies with her British accent.
*Did they just do that, the last time they called for a silencer was when Roma won a bet and Raghav had to wear pink for a whole week in college*.
They both stare at each other and leave. Sammy is dumbfounded "Silencer?, not again".He says and approaches the stairs.

Hey guys, I really want to appreciate Naharkhan123 for the comment. So a silencer in this case is something Gauri made to keep Raghav and Roma from biting each others ears all the time, instead of them cursing each other, they act like the other one doesn't exist until one of them eventually agrees he or she is wrong. So during the story I'm gonna be giving some reactions, to indicate I'm using this* *mark. Who's gonna agree to be wrong this time?, the last time Roma agreed she was wrong and that's what she does all the time. Is there gonna be a change this time? Leave your comments and please😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 vote. Love you.

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