The bittersweet end

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Roma's POV:
It's my wedding day again but this time I'm more pleased than the last.
Justice has been given at last and I'm not letting Pakhi out of my sight today.
"It's time to go down"
Kalpi says with a smile.
I stand and my bridesmaids lead me downstairs.


We finished the practices, said our vows and we're at the reception.
It's somehow hard to believe that I'll leave today. I would really miss my family but I don't want to think too much about it.

Oh! The song has been changed to something very romantic
This is my favorite song.

Silence falls in the hall as Raghav gets the spotlight. He's walking over to Kalpi with a bouquet of red roses in his hand.

Kalpi turns to face him as he goes on one knee and takes out a ring case from his pocket, he opens it to reveal a silver ring with a diamond on it.

"Kalpana, when I saw you I knew there was something different about you. The way you smiled, the way you walk, the way you talk, even when you're staying still I feel something within me, something that's really hard to control. I love you Kalpi and I'm sure of it. I've doubted it a lot of times and every single time it's confirmed. I love you Kalpi and there's no one else I'll rather spend the rest of my life with than you". He says still on his knee

OMG!! Raghav is proposing
Kalpi is looking at him waiting for the question

"Do I need to ask?"
Raghav asks cautiously. Kalpi smiles and shakes her head no then she nods
"I will marry you. Yes! A thousand times yes!!"
She says and Ragi lifts her up and kisses her.

Cheers rise from the guests.

Kalpi's POV:
Raghav just proposed to me. It was totally unexpected but it's time for the tears that everyone was expecting. Roma is leaving now. We're all outside and Raghav has done his role. The car is about to drive away and tears have formed in Roma's eyes. She's already crying. Her eyes going red but her eyeballs remain blue.
"My little strawberry, don't cry"
Her mom says to her with tears in her eyes
"You'll get to see me soon. Raghav's wedding will be soon anyways".
She says cracking a smile and putting one on other faces

Roma nods
"I love you mom"
She says with her eyes glittering
"I love you too my cupcake"
Aunt replies as the car drives away

I hear Raghav whisper to himself,
"Oh my sister"

The last chapter is out.

I want to thank you all again for sticking around. I hope you enjoyed this story so far. What is left is the epilogue.
   Please comment your opinions😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘love you.

Ragna story: Oh my Sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن