"I, um, am packing," I stumble over my words. His green eyes examine me before he chuckles slightly.

"Where is the good girl, Hazel Green, going?" he asks with a small chuckle and a smirk glued to his face.

"Everywhere," I answer truthfully as I pull myself out of the avalanche. There's my bag. I smile and grab it, it's pretty big.

"What do you mean, everywhere?" he asks once again.

"You ask a lot of questions," I point out as I throw all of my clothing into the bag, I still have some room left. I grab my little fish thing that I've had since as long as I could remember. I put it in and glance around the room. I never had many personal objects to begin with.

"What do you mean by everywhere?" he repeats. I spin around and meet his green eyes. Why must my favorite color be the same color as his eyes? Can't he have doodoo black eyes? Not to offend anyone with black eyes.... Sorry.

"I'm going around the world," I answer as I lug my bag to the door.

"How do you manage to pay for that?" he asks with a smirk.

"Does ten million dollars sound like enough," I huff, feeling sad suddenly. I miss Granny and Gramps. I zip up my bag and pick it up. They transferred the money into my savings account.

"Where did you get that sort of money? Last time I checked, working at a diner for three years doesn't add up to that," he observes.

"Uh, tips?" I offer. He narrows his eyes.

"I inherited it," I sigh as I turn back around and head to my bedroom door.

"I want to come with you," he says suddenly. I turn around and look at him in confusion before he elaborates.

"I'll pay my own way, but I want to go with you," he explains. I look at him for a second before shrugging.

"We're taking my car to the airport and getting on whatever flight is available, go pack," I instruct him. He grins widely before heading off to pack. I lug my bag down the stairs and to the front door. I grab my keys and roll my bag outside. I head to my door and jump when Carter runs around the front and to the passenger door.

"That was fast," I mutter as I open the trunk and throw in my bag. Carter follows suit and slams the trunk down. I head to the driver's side and get in as Carter quite literally jumps into the passenger side. He flips has black hair and pulls on sunglasses as I blast the air conditioning. I tune the radio and listen to Sail by AWOLNATION. How I love my electronic rock. I pull out of the driveway right as my parents pull in, looking pissed beyond belief. I quickly floor it and Carter gives me a look of suspicion. I shake it off and head to the airport with the bad boy. What have I done?

One Hour Later

"Flight 42 is now boarding, flight 42 to Alaska is boarding," the robotic female voice announces as Carter and I push past people to get to that flight. Let me get you people caught up. Once we arrived at the airport, we bought tickets to the flight with seats available. We went through security and all and had a half hour left before the flight left and decided to stop for some McDonald's. After that, we have fifteen minutes left and Carter decided to take a whiz after drinking a forty ounce cup of coke. By the time he was done, we had ten minutes left, but it just so happens that the boarding dock of the plane we're taking was on the other side of the airport, and the airport is large. Thus, we are running and shoving past people.

"She's pregnant! She's going to pop!" Carter shouts from in front of me. People make a path as I gape after Carter.

"Do I look effing pregnant to you?" I hiss as we reach the docking gate. We stand in the line and I grip my ticket tightly. We're seated right next to each other with a stranger on the other side of Carter. We fought over who had to sit in the middle for some time, but I got the window seat. The power of persuasion, my friends, the power of persuasion. Carter looks as me before speaking.

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