Character descriptions ('cause I realised I don't really describe them)

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Hey guys, I'm posting this so it's before the first chapter, so I don't know if it will tell you if I upload it, but ah well.

Also, I can't remember how old Avi & Kevin are, so I put some ages in that I think fit best with the story flow.



Blake is 21 years and three weeks old. Medium height, muscled, but not overly. He has dark blond hair, which he styles slightly down to his right, and grey-bluey eyes. His cheeky, playful personality can put a smile on most people's faces, and if left unchecked, his arrogance can cause a myriad of problems, both for himself and his friends. Quick witted and chock-full of confidence and determination, Blake isn't someone you want to start a fight with.


Ellie is 20 years and 11 months old. Fairly short, with shoulder length light blonde hair and quick, brown eyes. Ellie is most definitely a troubled girl. Even being the more timid, level-headed of the duo, she is by no means innocent of rash decisions. With a short temper and fiery personality combined with unparalleled martial arts skills, she often acts on her emotions. Very, very violently.


Scott is 22 years old. Very tall, with a fair amount of muscle, very light blond hair styled straight up, blue eyes. Honesty is the best policy, as Scott will find ways to make you talk anyway. Scott isn't afraid to speak his mind, even if he gets funny looks for it. With a wicked sense of humour, Scott is often found pulling pranks on others, along with childhood friends Mitch and Kirstie.


Mitch is nearly 22 years old. Quite short, slim but not a gymaholic, with brown hair styled to the left, and deep brown eyes. Brimming with sass and a no-nonsense attitude to match, Mitch is the life and soul of a party,--but doesn't need alcohol to make things fun, thank you!--usually only his lifelong besties are required. Mitch doesn't miss a trick, and will call you out on practically everything you do.


Kirstie is 22 years old. The shortest of the trio, she has wavy brown hair and devilishly saucy brown eyes. Armed with an unrivalled fashion sense, there isn't a single occasion Kirstie can't find an outfit for. A sucker for sweet things, Kirstie tends to go overboard. With everything. A people person with more savvy than you can shake a stick at, Kirstie knows almost everything about everyone she meets. The surprising ringleader of the childhood trio, Kirstie is the planner, thinking ahead to the next stage of everything.


Avi is 23 years old. Slightly taller than his female bandmate, Avi is the shortest male member of pentatonix, but makes up for what he lacks in height with his boisterous personality. Avi has curly brown hair usually hidden under a beanie paired with an abundance of facial hair he is extremely proud of, and bright green eyes. When not performing, eating or hanging out with friends, Avi will more than likely be exercising, and has the muscles to prove his dedication to stay fit. Joining in with the trio's pranks every now and again, Avi likes to stay young by acting younger, and will not hesitate to do so, often eliciting laughter from his friends.


Kevin is 25, and the oldest member of PTX. With extremely short, dark hair and brown eyes, coupled with a dazzling white smile, Kevin is the charmer of the group, and often has to 'persuade' the group to finally get some work done. He is a fierce and loyal friend, and will support those he loves through thick and thin. The 'parent' of the group, he is firm but fair, working when needed, and playing hard afterwards.



This is a brief description of the seven main characters in this book.

Hope you like,

Later, 'gators,


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