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If anyone still reads this, first off: I'm sorry.

I'm terminating this book. I lost interest in the storyline (what little storyline there was) and I just *sigh* I don't know, fell out of love with it, I guess? I feel like I prefer fictional universes now as I can tweak them slightly and still have it believable (say, have a Winchester be sent back in time by an Angel to save a Princess. Or a child of Erudite transfer to Dauntless and fight to defy preconceived notions of who he is and what he stands for. Yes, these are hints towards my in-the-works fanfics) as opposed to real-life people's real-life lives.

Okay, so onto the second thing. Yes, I am writing an SPN fanfic, and yes, I am writing a Divergent fanfic. I am still trying to write my original, but I start university in 15 days, so all three are slow. The beginning of the original is already uploaded and can be found on my profile. The fanfics are being thought out and written a lot better than this one was (hopefully) and will be a lot more pre prepared being uploading.

So if there's anyone left, again, I'm sorry, but I just wasn't enjoying this anymore.
Later 'gators

Ceiling Can't Hold Us <TERMINATED>Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz