Chapter 9

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I'm shocked to see my friend in here, with a serious look on her face.

"There's something you need to know Aria, and I think somethings going to happen tonight and I know we both want this night to go perfect." She tells me.

What's going on? "What do you mean Erica?"

She sighs and sits down in the chair that's in here. "I'll talk while you change, by the way that dress is gorgeous and I want to borrow it sometime." She tells me while eyeing the dress.

"Okay I will, but what's going on?" I ask and start to change.

"You know how my cousin called you Kayla? And the fact that I was pretty rude the first couple times we met?"

I nod my head, remember a year ago when she first started modeling for me. Her dad introduced us and we had started talking about this event and she just looked at me with anger and disgust, it wasn't until she really got to know me that she started to become my friend and act nicer.

"Well that was because I also thought you were Kayla. You guys look exactly alike and I remember when Spencer called Michael telling him that his wife was cheating on him with Michael. Michael was devastated and I still to this day hate what that bitch did to them. Her personality was completely different from yours, but I loved her like a sister and thought she loved us too. I still don't get how she could do what she did, but she ruined both of them. And now they think that she is you." I stand there shocked.

Wait, so she thinks this Kayla girl was messing with both of them?

"Erica that doesn't make sense. I was married to Spencer, not this Kayla person, and we got divorced two years ago. And I wasn't with Michael either. He said I was still with the guy until he finally told his friend who 'dumped me' immediately. But Spencer keeps telling me that he knows I cheated with one of his friends but I just met Michael yesterday. So who is Kayla?" I ask her, not able to handle the information I just received.

Looks like I'm not alone, because Erica sits their, shocked. "How is that possible." Erica mumbles to herself, not knowing what to do with this new information.

"Erica, somethings going on and we need to get to the bottom of it. Spencer has proof, but won't show me thinking I will 'lie my way out of it'. But I don't know what it could possibly be. I'm not a cheater and I loved him, but I want to get justice and find the truth."

"Your right, tomorrow meet me at Cafe Mad, and I will try to call Kayla, and we will all sit down and talk." She tells me, I like this idea, and hopefully I can get closure.

My dress is on and I'm ready for the auction, "we need to meet Nick and go, this event is important but we will finish this tomorrow." I tell her, making my way out of the room.

We see Nick and make our way to the auction. We made it so that we are all together at one table. I immediately look to find my parents, when a slimy hand makes its way to my waist.

"Way to go sweetheart, maybe we should go celebrate alone," Mr.York whispers in my ear, his hand making its way to my ass.

"Dad what the hell are you doing?!" Erica yells, yanking her dad off of me.

"Honey, I picked her for a reason, now be a good girl and sit down and let me have fun." Me.york tells his daughter, starting to make a scene.

"Ken get off of her and leave, don't make this into a scene, this is a big event and we don't want any publicity to go to you." Michael says , yanking Mr.york away.

I'm shocked that he decided to help me, until he looks at Erica and says, "keep that slut under control would you!"

Tears start to roll down my cheek in anger and embarrassment. I get man handled yet I'm a slut?

Erica glares at her cousin and comes over and hugs me, as does Nick.

"Who does that bitch think he is?!" Nick yells, pissed off at Michael.

"Ignore him, this night isn't about us, so let's just enjoy the auction." I tell them, heading to my seat.

"Well looks like the whore still needs attention." I hear from the one voice I wanted to not be here.

"Honey are you surprised, she obviously need the money because her designs obviously aren't cutting it."

I turn around to see Spencer and June together, laughing at my expense. June is wearing a slitting red dress that literally shows her vagina to the world, and her boobs are bursting out. While Spencer looks sexy in his black tux. I look at him and just imagine him taking every piece off his body, showing his delicious six pack that I would lick... Aria shut up!

"Who the hell let you guys into my event?" I ask them, annoyed to be dealing with this.

"Unlike you, people want Spencer here because it makes business look good, and obviously he'd bring his girlfriend." June laughs.

"Aria, Honey, you did amazing!" My mom all of a sudden comes over and hugs me, my dad following behind.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" My dad yells, seeing Spencer here.

"Or that skank?" My mom asks, now seeing June.

"Mom, dad they aren't worth it, let's sit the auction is about to start, I tell them, grabbing my dad before he kills Spencer.

Well this is a great way to continue a great day!

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