Chapter 12: English Projects

Start from the beginning

You follow Mike on your bike, and arrive in minutes. 

"Okay, let's go." you say, hopping off your bike. 

Mike does the same, and you start climbing the tree.

"Wait," Mike says, getting out his camera. He steps back and peers through the lens. He grins as he takes a picture. "Nice," he smiles to himself. 

You get out your camera and lie down under the tree. As you look into the camera, you see the sun shine through the leaves. Your camera clicks as Mike full out jumps over you into the frame.

"Damn it Mike!" you laugh. "I just wasted a frame!"

"Wasted? You mean, put to excellent use?" he says.

", I mean wasted." you say. Trying to keep the giddy smile off your face, you follow Mike up the tree.

You both snap pictures everywhere when you get to the top.

He gets in about four of your pictures.

You flick him on his forehead. 

"Quit it!" you say.

"You love it."

"I really don't."

"You love it."

You sigh.

"That was a sigh of acceptance. You love it."

"Yep." you say, snapping a picture of the view.

"Knew it." he says, taking a picture of the branches.

"Dork." you mutter, gazing out at the land below.

"Totally am not. I'm the coolest kid on the block."

"Yeah." you say rolling your eyes. 

"Man, you don't appreciate my coolness."

"Not at all, no." you say counting your pictures.

"Gasp!" He says while looking at his own.

"Dude, you got in six of mine."

"You got in one of mine."

"What? No I didn't."

"Did too." he says, showing you the picture.

The picture shows him being even more of a dork than usual making a weird ass face, and you looking pissed as usual but failing to hold back a smile.

"I didn't get in one of yours, you pushed me into one of yours." you say.

"Nope, you totally wanted to be in it."

"Yep, well, I have my pictures, you?"

"Yeah, you wanna head home? It's like 6:45. School tomorrow."

"Ugh, don't remind me. But yeah, we should get going."

"Ohhh...." he says.

"Ohhh, what?"

"We gotta get down." he says.



"You know, let's just go. I'm ready."

"Really?" he asks.


A few minutes later you're both ready to go.

"Okay, let's go. 3 2 1 go!" you say, jumping off. Suddenly the wind smacks you in the face.

"Oh, what the hell! This sucks!" you yell into the wind.

"It does, doesn't it!" Mike yells next to you.


You land, somehow on your feet.

"Nice. That sucked just as much as last time. Let's go."

You and Mike ride to your house in no time.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." you say, taking out your key.

"Bye." he smiles. 

You grin and wave as he rides away.

When you get inside, you set the bag with all your pictures down on your bed and take a nice, hot shower. There's only one word that can express what you're feeling. Three, to be exact. Giddy with happiness. (A/N: lol you're a dork)

After you're ready to sleep, you sit down on your bed and open the bag from today. You smile at the pictures you pull out. There's eleven in all. You put the five for your project in your school bag and look closer at the others.

One is the tree one while he's in the air. Next is one where he stole your camera and took a 'selfie'. There's two of them actually. Another is where you were trying to take a picture of the view from his tree and he jumped in front of the lens and did jazz hands. The last is where he was making a weird face to himself and you snapped a picture without him seeing.

You smile at them. You gather them and get thumbnails. They become the newest addition to your cork board.

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