-------After a couple of hours {I think} -------

Suho's POV

"It's seat. Come out now or else you are not getting anything until lunch." Chanyeol's voice could be heard all through the room.

 "Yeah! He keeps saying that, even though he isn't the one in charge of food around here." Xiumin said while shoving a paper at Suho's face, "See, see... This is how I plan on getting back at them" (He meant Beak and Chanyeol)

 "You are still after them even though you scolded them yesterday" I said {Yeah our Suho showing ever-lasting maternal love}"They deserve much worse than what I'm planning. Those two are not going to get off so easily, at least not after they destroyed my wolf blanket. Ah-ah. No, they are not getting anything less than true torment."

 I had no idea how to respond to it, actually, I wasn't even sure if he really meant that.........'nothing less than torment'. Before I could decide on my little conflict, Xiumin began talking again (barely looking up from his work, probably to avoid eye contact)

 "Hey Suho......What do you think?""About what?" {Yeah, I decided to make Suho a little tough headed & I don't even know why} "About the new guy of course" "What about him?" I asked.

"Don't you find it the slightest bit annoyed. I mean, it's not that I'm not fine with a new member...It's just that...... Okay...I don't like the idea of a new guy in our team. We already lost........."

 "SUHO XIUMIN CHEN. COME DOWN NOW." It was DO who cut his sentence by screaming from the kitchen. "Not hungry." I heard Chen's voice coming from the opposite room. 'Oh so he's still here' I thought to myself.

 "Hey, Xiumin, why don't you head down without me. I'll get Chen" Without waiting for his reply I walked out. 'I wonder if he still hasn't wrapped his head around it'. I opened the door to the room, in which he was and found him reading something (he's too absorbed in his work to have noticed me come inside) I closed the door behind me to get his attention and it worked. He turned around and I walked up to him.

 "Did you steal something from the fridge?" I asked him with a little-pouted face. "No!" He replied with a voice that meant 'Do you take me for a baby'. "Then, are you reading a rated magazine?" I asked (A little stupid of me)"Of course not. Hyung, you are starting to bother me" 

"Then how come you are skipping breakfast?" "I'm......just not hungry" Chen said, obviously not wanting to talk to me about last night. "Oh come on. I know you are hungry. I can even here your stomach making noises and its BAD manners not to join your Hyungs on the table." I said while pulling him by his arms to the table.

 "Now let's get that stomach of yours some food, to stop the noises" I said and made him sit. But as soon as I sat myself down, the atmosphere of the table came to me like a gusty wind, the wind filled with disappointment, disagreement, and distaste.


3rd person POV

Suho turns around to see everyone else in a not-so-good-mood, eating- no just watching their food. Baekhyun notices Suho staring at his face like 'what the heck' and so as reflex hides his face. He knows much better than to stare back at 'mom'. DO still hasn't joined the table, he is fiddling with some dishes in the kitchen.

 "Hey......" finally Suho is the one to break the silence after DO joins in with the others (DO's seat is next to Suho's), "What are you all even doing? Why are you all like this? What's gotten into your head? You haven't even given him a single chance. This new guy, whoever he is, wouldn't have made it in if he was bad. If he cannot keep up with us well I'll have him removed from our team. Then why are you guys even sulking? We can't just keep doing this for life; we are going to have to accept him. If none of you want to do it for our fans then do it for EXO. Do it for those of us who went their own way......"

 (Suho stands up and tells everything in one breath, in the end, he is short of it and continues in a much smaller voice) "......I know they would have wanted the same thing."


Jae's POV

'No turning back now' I thought to myself as I opened the door to the practice room, which, in a normal circumstance would have been just a door, but now it was the barrier to the unseen, filled with either utter joy or utter pain.

 At that moment of great conflict and fear, I found them all smiling up at me. For a few seconds I thought it might mean nothing to them, then realized how stupid I was being. It must have been just as hard as it is on me. Maybe even a lot harder. 'But they are smiling' I knew they must have been faking it, because......they probably forced themselves to it. I was so grateful for such a light response so decided to give them back what they gave me, a big smile.


Edited: 11th April 2018

By: ~ i

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