1. The Firebolt

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Harry sat there watching Professor McGonagall walking out the portrait hole carrying the greatest broom in the world - his Firebolt that he'd owned for a few short hours. He watched one of his best friends scream at the other, "What did you go running to McGonagall for?"

Harry knew that was a good question. Hermione had never turned him in for anything, even before they were friends. He knew she wasn't mad at him, so there had to be a reason. He just couldn't see it.

Hermione threw her book aside. She was pink in the face, but stood up and faced Ron defiantly. "Because I thought - and Professor McGonagall agrees with me - that that broom was probably sent to Harry by Sirius Black!"

"What?" exclaimed Harry, shocked, "How could he?"

"There's no way!" shouted Ron. "You're just jealous!"

"Jealous?" retorted Hermione, her face turning red with anger. "Why? I don't even like flying!"

"That someone would spend that much on Harry and not you!" Ron shouted back.

"I AM NOT..." shouted Hermione, now furious with Ron.

"STOP!!! Both of you!" shouted Harry, earning glares from both Ron and Hermione. He then calmly said, "It's my broom, Ron. If anyone's gonna yell at Hermione about it, I will."

"Fine!" said Ron. "You're right! Go ahead and yell at her for running to..."

"Ron," said Harry firmly, "Hermione has been our best friend for over two years. I think she deserves the right to explain herself. I don't think she'd turn in the broom out of jealousy." He then turned at Hermione, who appeared nervous but pleased that Harry was willing to listen. "Before I yell at you Hermione," he said calmly, "I want to understand why you believe Sirius Black sent me that broom."

At this point Ron's face turned bright red as he shouted, "I can't believe you're listening to that traitor!" and stormed out of the room.

She appeared very nervous. "Well, Harry," she said while looking down, "Sirius Black is out to get you, and this would be the perfect way." She then began looking him in the eye. "If he's hexed the broom to throw you off the way Professor Quirrel did in first year, it'd look like an accident. You've already fallen off a broom once this year, and I for one don't want it to happen again." Tears began falling down her cheeks at this point, but she kept looking straight at him. "I'm sorry that I did it behind your back, and, er, if that means you're mad at me, I, er, guess that's how it is. Your life means more to me than your friendship."

At that moment she ran toward the stairs that led to the girls' dorm. Harry easily caught up with her before she reached them. He gently grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. They locked eyes for about ten seconds before he smiled at her and said, "You haven't lost my friendship, Hermione. I know you did what you did because you care about me." He then gave her a quick embrace, which caused a big smile to form on Hermione's face. He looked a little nervous as he released her. "That, er, means a lot to me."

"Thank you for understanding, Harry. What are we gonna do about Ron?"

"I don't know," Harry said miserably. "He seems to bring out the worst in me."

"He just needs to grow up a little," Hermione giggled.

"What's so funny?" asked a confused Harry.

"I was just imagining how loud he'd scream at me if I told him to grow up. But then again, when isn't he yelling at me?"

"The only reason we don't argue is because I let him talk about quidditch all the time," Harry chuckled. "Don't get me wrong, I like quidditch, but really, there's a lot more to life than a game."

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