"Oh I am helping," Holden nodded calmly as Damon furrowed his eyebrows at that.

"Mm, you're avoiding," Damon commented so Holden glared at him angrily causing Izzie to glare back at Holden. "How unexpected, actually."

"I am not avoiding," Holden told them while flaking his arms around. "Elena only wants to kill Katherine, and I don't quite think juice and pilates are gonna help her get rid of that thought."

To Holden's luck Liz approached them. "Hey, guys, thanks for coming," the woman nodded so Holden smiled slightly as Stefan greeted her.

"Tell them why you invited us," Damon ushered his friend.

"Well, the hospital has kept the blood banks empty ever since they were raided last month," Liz explained seriously as they all listened. Holden glanced at Izzie. He hated that Damon dragged her into such stuff. "We thought at the very least it would help keep the vampire population away."

"And it didn't?" Holden questioned as he crossed his arms over his chest, listening to what the Sheriff had to say next.

Sheriff glanced at Holden. "See for yourself," the woman then led them into a patient's room where they saw a body lay on bed, its wrists bloodied.

"Whoa," Izzie managed to say as Holden glared at Damon.

"You seriously brought your girlfriend into a murder scene?" he snapped lowly as Damon glanced back at him with an angry face.

"She can go whenever she wants to go. I'm not you," Damon snapped back so Stefan rolled his eyes.

"Guys, focus."

Sheriff Forbes was confused by their unusual bickering before shrugging it off. "There are four other victims in this wing, each one almost completely drained of blood. You think it's Silas?" she asked as Damon snickered.

"Or a doctor with some very questionable manners."

Liz shook her head in puzzlement. "But five victims? That's a lot of blood, and it's not like he can take it with him."

Stefan sighed deeply. "Unless he's fueling up for something big," he shrugged as Liz looked at him in surprise.

"Big? Any details would be helpful, considering I'm dealing with five grieving families out there and a psychic killer on the loose," Liz explained angrily as Izzie walked away from the crime scene to get some water.

All the brothers followed her with their looks before Damon glanced back at the Sheriff. "Silas wants Bonnie to do a spell to drop the veil from the Other Side."

"I have no idea what that means," Liz immediately answered so Holden spoke up.

"It's an invisible barrier that separates our world from the world of all dead supernatural creatures," Holden explained, still thinking of Ella, who already found peace. "Now, Silas wants that to go away so he can take the cure, die, and not have to spend an eternity in a supernatural purgatory."

Liz nodded her head. "And when do you suppose Silas plans on doing this?" she questioned as Damon pursed his lips.

"Next full moon. Tomorrow night," he answered as he turned to see Izzie walking back.

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