2. Bloody Problems

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Kaleo - All The Pretty Girls

"All alone, alone again
No one lends a helping hand
I have waited, I have waited."

IZZIE WAS SITTING IN STEFAN'S ROOM WITH DAMON NEXT TO HER. The two were chatting and laughing as Stefan sighed and looked at them while packing stuff for a trip to the woods with Elena. "Can you two get out of my room?" he questioned bitterly.

Damon turned from the girl to his baby brother nr. 2. "You're making a big mistake," he shrugged as Izzie looked at Stefan, knowing that Stefan wanted to give his new yet old girlfriend animal blood instead of human. And Damon was against it.

"No, I'm not," Stefan answered dully as he continued packing. "If I can get Elena used to animal blood right out of the gate."

Holden walked into the room, searching for Izzie and stopped at the doorway before leaning on it. "You're reaching," Damon told Stefan, who paused while packing to glare at him.

"Maybe she'll be able to bypass all the things that we went through," Stefan shrugged to himself while Holden raised his eyebrow. He then focused on how Damon and Izzie sat next to each other, getting too comfortable.

"Delusional!" Izzie sung sang as she winked at Holden, who looked away, trying not to smile.

Stefan glanced at Holden, not knowing what he thought about Elena feeding. "Maybe she actually has a shot at this," he sighed, wanting Holden to agree, but it was hard to wait for that, since Elena chose to be with Stefan.

"Don't ask me," Holden commented before sitting down on a chair not far from Damon and Izzie, who exchanged an odd look.

"Well, I can tell," Damon leaned forward in his chair before resting his hands on the table. "Wrong. You're just wrong, Stefan."

Izzie chuckled loudly and Holden sighed. They all sat in front of Stefan like some jury, debating whether it was good for Elena to feed on animal blood. "She won't be able to handle it if she hurts someone, Damon. Her compassion is her Achilles heel and everything is magnified right now," Stefan raised his voice.

"Then you better hope she's not a fan of Bambi," Damon exclaimed as he stabbed a knife into the table. "I'll say this for Holdie. She needs human blood, Stefan, from the vein."

"Oh, come on, you know what happens!" Stefan shouted getting enraged. "You name a vampire who didn't kill at least one person when they were new."

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