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The whole trip was quite once again

A very akward silence was cut off with a simple whine

"UGH! Were are we going?! My feet are killing me! " whined Paulina again

"I'm going to Kill that girl"growled Jazz under her breath but guide Danny heard

He smiled sympathetic at her then turned to glare at the Latina

Said girl seemed to shrink at the glare then turned mute again

After what seems like forever

They finally found the next door

This door looks like a fadded Valentine's Design, the door is a color Fadded pink with a broken heart at the middle hanging helplessly ready to fall off. The door had a visible crack from the left top to the left bottom passing strait threw the nearly fallen off heart.

The door nob was missing leaving a hole were the nob should be. Then the class caught a Sign also nearly falling of saying "Αγάπη"

No one question what it meant already knowing the answer

Then Everyone entered the Room leaving Jazz And Guide Danny outside

Jazz looked at Guide Danny then said
"Is this what I think it is?" She asked Guide Danny

Said boy just nodded then motioned her to go inside, Jazz obliged

As they enter They -well Jazz more likely- Can't explain what they saw

The wall looked like they used to have some kind of Paper wall designs with hearts but what was left was some torned sheets of paper.

The ceiling has a hole and below it looked like a broken heart Shandelire.

There are alot of broken hearts shattered all around the room.

But what caught all of their eyes was a beat up table with some pictures and broken picture frame in it.

The Ex goth walked forward being the Brave idiot she is then picked up one of the Pictures.

As she picked it up then turned the flipped picture she gasp

It was a picture of her smiling in her old clothes, the old her.

Tucker, being the Protective idiot for her he is, walked forward to her then his eyes went wide

Before anyone else can do anything Guide Danny appeared beside the two making them jump in surprise

He pointed out the door and again before anyone can protest he send them all a glare making them all cower and run outside

As the Ex duo got out the door slammed shut then disappeared

They all looked at Guide Danny for an explanation

"Okay, so that door is the Emotion of Love and not any family love but The Love of your life. *he turned to Sam* Samantha Before ThaT day He was madly in Love with you" Sam was about to protest but was caught of when he raised his hand "yes I know he said that hey Loves Paulina *Said girl Gagged* but no it was all a lie" Sam's eyes widened. Danny loved her and here she thought he never did

"And after ThaT day he lost all interst in you making Αγά (short for Αγάπη)
Vanish" he finished sadly

"Why does this Αγά seem so important to you? " Questioned Paulina with a raised Eyebrow

"because *sigh* he's my b-brother" sadness can be heard from his voice

Earning him some sympathetic looks. Jazz placed a comforting hand on his shoulder

"But wait I thought you were all brothers here? " asked Mr. Lancer who has been very quiet through the trip finally spoke up

Guide Danny smiled sadly "no not all of us are Brothers. Each of us are pared from strongest to Weakest or we choose. And I choose Αγά,for he is to innocent and it is our job to protect our brothers"

"but why does that room has a picture of me? " Sam questioned while looking at the photo in here hands

Guide Danny looked at her "Because he was obsessed with you making Αγά one of the strongest. But when you backstabed him He was heart broken and on that day I went to Αγά. He was cracking, the cracks on his skin was glowing white he looked so scared I hugged him I said it was going to be fine but he said "We know it isn't " then I just hugged him but then his face started to crack and he just smiled, A broken smile. Then he shattered then h-he was g-g-gone" his voice cracked on the end trying to hold back the tears that were  screaming to show

Then Something hit Tucker "wait I thought when an emotion dies another one will replace them"

Guide Danny Looked at Tucker then said "Yes your right there but Αγά didn't die. He was erased. Erased because Danny Vowed to never Love again and since Αγά was representing Lovr he was no longer needed. He can only be brought back if Danny Loved again but I know that will never happen"

"why? " surprisingly Asked Star

"for Danny has cut off his Love to anyone else. He VOWED to NEVER Love again and he is a man of his word" and with that Guide Danny and Jazz began to walk followed by the Class feeling Sympathy for their Guide

WELP! That's that!

Also Thank u again. I can't believe this book woul reach 1k views!

It's Crazy!

Well enjoy this as your reward

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