Description of losers club from Jasmins' pov! Part 2

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Benjamin Hancoms-
The nerdy one, helps us discover things. We have basically all our classes together and we work together in every single 1. When he tries to explain something to the losers, most of the time they don't seem to understand or pick up what he's putting down, and that causes him to feel really awkward and lonely because they don't get him. So, I do him and them a favor and dumb it down for the others so they get it. He's bullied because he is a bit chubby and because he doesn't have a dad, but he is like, one of the most caring and sweetest guys you could ever meet.

The reason Ben doesn't have a father is because his dad left him to fight in the war, but died in combat. He now lives with his mom, aunt and cousin.

Mike Hanlon-
Mike is probably the strongest person let alone guy in the group. He's home schooled. So, me being the dumbass I am, thought he wouldn't be any smarter then us. But boy was I wrong, he's smarter than Bill, Ben and Richie (I know, shocker, Rich is actually smart) combined. Mike doesn't have parents, they passed away in a fire when he was just learning to speak and remember. He doesn't really talk about that side of his past, so we don't bother asking or talking about it to him either. He's African American, so I think that's why Henry and his fags bully him. Who am i kidding, I know that's why they bully him, along with the fact that he's home schooled and has no parents. But along with Stan, I'm so glad his past and Henry don't defy who he is. And in all honesty, he's probably the funnest to be around. His pops is really nice unless he's mad too. I think he is still broken from the loss of his daughter and his son in law.

Then there's Richard Tozier-
The trash mouth. The flirtatious little smart ass. He has these big, round, coke bottle glasses, making his eyes look WAY bigger than they actually are. Without his glasses on though he looks cute. Hot even. I mean he looks cute with them on AND off, but, with them off, he almost looks like Marees' best friend, Karen Wheelers son. Actually, now to think of it. They look exactly the same. Except for the fact that Mike has straight raven black hair with a slight curl at the tips and Richie has just curly hair. And also that Richie is 14 and Mike is 16, so he's a bit taller. Any way, Richie is always saying that he "practically has no parents". What he means is that they forget, or ignore the fact that he is even alive. That he is a living breathing being like them. The worst time they ignored him that I remember, is when I was staying at his house for the weekend, and we stood atop the steps quietly arguing back and forth on who was better at street fighter, and Richie's dad, Wentworth, walked directly into Richie, knocking him down the 15 step high staircase. That resulted in him breaking his arm and popping out his jaw. When his dad made it down stairs, after me who basically flew down those steps and Richie who did fly down those steps, Wentworth didn't say a word. No 'sorry son' or 'get up' not even eye contact, he just walked straight past us. My mums thankfully picked me and Rich up and we stayed at mine the whole week and they also payed the bill for Richards hospital fee so he could get proper treatment and bought him a new pair of glasses, since they were broke in the fall.

Now there is Beverly Marsh-
Bee and I, we're known as the "school sluts", apparently going around screwing any guy we find, which of course is not true. Bee has short dark strawberry blonde hair and is a very badass female. She gets bullied for her not having a mom and her dad being a former janitor at the elementary school and him being kind of a creep. Her father was fired for being caught peeking in the girls dress rooms looking for Bee, Dylan Cruse, and me when he knew we were in there.
I don't go to Bee's any more because of her father. When we were younger, about the age of 10, I went to Bee's to have a sleepover. Whilst I was sleeping I felt my self being dragged. When I woke up, it turns out that, in fact I was. I was being dragged down down the Marsh's hallway by non other than Alvin Marsh himself. Once he had realised I was awake, he turned to pounce on me, a scream escaping my mouth before feeling his clamy hand slap over my mouth. Once that happened all you could hear over my muffled screams were footsteps. Footsteps of Beverly Marsh running down that very same hallway to come save me. She ran down the hall, metal pipe in hand and swung it with all the force her little fragile 10 year old body could give, and knocked him out cold. To this day she still apologizes for her dad. My response is always the same. "it's fine. You saved the both of us that day. It wasn't your fault".

Jaeden Kays-
My twin. My brother doesn't hang with us losers anymore, since he started hanging around the 'Bowers gang'. It's like he's embarrassed to be around us now, especially around me. We may be twins but we're nothing alike. Jaeden has dark chocolate brown hair, I have light blonde hair. Jaeden has bright blue eyes, I have light blue and green ones. I'm medium height for a girl and I have muscle and meat on me, he's really tall and skin and bones. The only thing wrong with him is that he chose to hang out with the Bowers gang. I have so many things wrong with me. We don't talk to each other at all. I want things back to normal with us. He was Mike's best friend and he just left. Jaeden was known as the likable one, not any more.

Now me, Jasmin April-Kays -

As I said before, I am known to apparently be a slut. And just like I said, that's not true. I mean, how can one be a slut when they haven't even kissed someone. Beverly's kissed someone but that doesn't make her a slut. And plus, I'm still a virgin.

I get picked on for my moms, who I hang out with, being a "slut" (again, is not true), having anger problems and being put in juvenile prison for 18 months as a result of killing a man. What?! I was defending myself. He was making me feel weird. Yeah, I get picked on for stuff like that.

But there is one thing about me you really should know. A lot of people like Greta Keene and her bitches pick on Eddie. ALOT. So I followed one of her little minions, which happened to be Courtney, home, and before she made it to her house I broke her wrist, arm and ankle and told her that if she doesn't get Gretta and her group of dickwads to leave Eddie and Beverly alone, I was gonna hurt her even more, and if she told someone that I did this to her, that it would be her neck that I would snap next time.

But you see, that wasn't me. Well it was but wasn't at the same time. Don't understand? Okay, I'll give you a hint. I have mpd and bd. Still don't know?

Well it means I have Multiple personalities disorder and bipolar disorder.

And the other me? Her names 'Ruby', and trust me, she's not nice.


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So what do you think of that update. And don't worry, you will find out who this Dylan chick is if I continue with this book. But I'll give you a hint rn. She's an old friend.

Also, vote or comment or dm if you want me to continue this book.

Love you loserz xx

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