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Mathew met Ophelia at her favorite coffee shop exactly a week later. They hadn't talked in a week since they exchanged contact information. The only thing said between the two in the week was the conversation about meeting up.

Mathew showed up early, just as he always did. Ophelia came in a few minutes later, her blonde hair in a single french braid, wearing jeans and a plain grey sweatshirt with a pair of Steve Madden sneakers.

She was just as beautiful as she had always been. Mat felt his heart race as she smiled at him. He stood up and pulled her chair out for her, allowing her to sit. She thanked him and he sat across from her, folding his hands and looking at her with a big smile.

"Someone's awfully happy this morning." She pointed out and he nodded. "I'm in your presence, it's impossible not to be." He flirted making her blush. He always flirted with her growing up. She never thought much of it.

"I owe you an explanation." She started and he nodded. He wasn't denying that. "I didn't move for whatever you thought. I moved because my mom got sick. We moved out here to be closer to her sister, who's a doctor at a world renowned cancer treatment center here. My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer and we needed the best care possible for her. Unfortunately, she only made it 5 months into the treatment. After that, I stayed here because my only family was my Aunt Elizabeth. I lived with her until I started going to NYU. I'm studying to be a teacher, like my mom. I'm really sorry I never contacted you. I was heartbroken and I felt like I would just be putting a burden on you." Mat just listened as the broken girl explained herself. Tears formed in his eyes as she talked. Mrs Williams was always a second mom to him. He reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Ophelia, I don't even know where to start." He muttered and she shook her head. "Please, don't feel bad for me. Really, I'm fine." She said.

"You know I'm really glad I ran into you. I've been looking for you for 5 years, but I've never found you. I also didn't know you went blonde so that didn't help." He joked and she laughed.

"Ya, I don't look like I did when I was 14, that's for sure. But you know, I really missed you. And I would love to see you again, if you would want to see me." She said and he nodded immediately.

"I think I could find the time."

ophelia; mat barzal [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now