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"Ophelia! I need to ask you something!" Ophelia's roommate, Tess, yelled from her room. "I have an extra Islander ticket for tonight. Brooks couldn't go, would you please go?" She asked. Ophelia groaned, knowing she was Tess' only choice after her boyfriend.

"Tess, but Mathew." She said and Tess sighed. "Ophelia, it's time you stop worrying about him. If he was so worried about you, he would have found you when you moved 5 years ago. Please, just come. It's not like you're going to see him or anything." Tess begged and Ophelia sighed.

"Fine, I'll go." She agreed and Tess cheered, hugging Ophelia. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! We're leaving at 6." She said and went into her room and that was that.

6 hit soon enough and Ophelia was ready to go. They arrived at the arena and sat in their seats, really good seats in the 100 section. Ophelia smiled when Mat stepped onto the ice for warm ups. God, did she miss him.

"Post your pictures tonight with the hashtag #GoIsles for a chance to be featured on the jumbotron!" An announcer said and she pulled out her phone, taking a selfie with Tess to post on her Instagram. She put the right filter on it and posted it.

location: Barclays Center

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location: Barclays Center

tagged: tess_oliver

liked by: tess_oliver and 274 others

ophelia_williams: just a girl and her roomie watching our favorite New York hockey team 😉 #GoIsles

Mathew looked up at the jumbotron. He liked to see the pictures people posted and he liked to see them catch people doing stupid stuff on camera. He looked up and saw the pictures flashing. He looked up and just as he was about to look down, a picture flashed across the screen.

It was the girl he had ran into. He squinted to see her username. When he read the user name, Mat's stomach dropped.

Ophelia Williams.

The name he would never forget.

She was sitting in this arena.

Ophelia was the girl he ran into on the street.

ophelia; mat barzal [✔️]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu