This loneliness and didn't exist.

One of the army men chuckled and groped your chest making you growl. You slapped his hand off and the man seemed to get angrier.

He grabbed you by the collar and slammed you into the wall.

You cried out in pain and one of his sidekicks chuckled, "It's pretending too hard to be human."

"Let me go!" You growled swinging your legs.

"Listen to me, you scrap metal! Robots are meant for two things; cleaning...and pleasure."

You felt him slide his hands down following your curves.

"Put me down now!" You shouted.

"Shut the fuck up!" The man growled punching you.

Of course, he was hitting metal, so his knuckles began to bruise immediately after. He cried out in pain and you saw your opportunity.

You kneed him in the gut and he let go of you clutching his stomach. His friends growled and tried to attack but your computer-brain was faster.

You dodged every single one of their attacks before fighting back. You punched one in the throat resulting in him letting out deep gasps, and kicked another head-first into a wall.

Sure enough, the man you had punched in the gut attempted to attack you. He pinned you to the floor and literally tried to rip you apart.

He was aiming for the wires in your joints and was leaving rather harsh dents. His blows were hard enough that your eyes were flickering.

Apparently, your fighting had caused enough of a major commotion that Lt. Laskey had came.

"Soldier!" He barked.

The man continued to punch at you until he came forward and had to manhandle him off.

A couple of men accompanying Laskey came forward having to restrain the man who was practically foaming at the mouth from primal rage.

"(Name)? You alright?" Laskey asked looking over the deep dents and ripped wires.

You attempted to speak but all that came out was static and gibberish. Laskey sighed and turned your head to find the chip slot.

He pressed a button and it opened depositing your chip. The man took it and you appeared anger and frustration clear on your face.

"Before you say anything let me find Chief. He should know about this." Laskey said.

You appeared out of your chip sitting in his hand. You had your knees to your chest with your back towards him, staring at the floor.

"Why did those men attack you?" Laskey dared to ask.

"I just want to be alone right now..." You muttered gripping your upper arms tightly.

You curled into a ball like an armadillo and Laskey couldn't help but feel bad for you knowing all this madness had happened in only days.

You disappeared into your chip and Laskey sighed. Inside your chip, you were curled into a ball with your curled fists against your eyes mimicking crying though nothing truly came out. 

You wished you were home.

You wished none of this had happened.

You wished you were human. 

You wished and regretted so many things.

You knew you were just repeating the same thing you did a couple days but you felt like you were in a never-ending cycle of misery and it wasn't depression, it was the universe turning against you. You curled tighter, your shoulders and back shaking. 

Master Chief & Teen!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora