Chapter 4

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Peter couldn't stop staring at the tiny Wendy Darling sitting on the table next to a bowl of soup far bigger than her. It was just so unreal. Not even two hours ago he'd believed his friend lost, dead years ago. And now here he was, eight years later, sharing soup with a four inch tall version of his only human friend that was a girl from his childhood. Man, his life was weird. For the moment, Wendy was paying him no mind, completely intent on the soup she was devouring with a single minded intensity. She must've not been kidding when she said the last time she'd had warm or fresh food was when she was a child. Peter hadn't seen anyone eating fresh food with such determination before. Peter found himself wondering how Wendy had lived all these years. Easily eight years now, surviving at only a few inches in height, still living in the house where her family had believed they lost her at. The house they'd abandoned her at. It was impressive, to say the least. But at the same time, incredibly upsetting when he thought of how Wendy must have felt when she realized she was alone, helpless and completely abandoned by her only family. Peter felt fear clench his chest, remembering how close he'd been to going to a different home. He had no desire to be haunted by the personal ghosts he'd left here, with the memory of the friend he'd lost plaguing his footsteps. But if he'd gone elsewhere, he'd never have found Wendy. Never seen his friend, or known she was still alive. Silently, Peter thanked the fates for bringing him back here. He couldn't imagine a worse fate than never finding Wendy. Peter took the opportunity while Wendy was distracted to observe the tiny girl. Aside from being four inches tall, she seemed well put together. She was fitter than any young lady he'd seen at her age, no sign of any extra padding on her at all. Surviving so small was probably a workout on a daily basis. Her hair was longer, but her bangs were the same. If they were the same size Peter would be tempted to take a bit of it in his fingers, honestly. Her clothes weren't far off from what was worn by young ladies now.... A tiny white blouse, boots, a little dark blue vest that was well kept with a light blue skirt and a belt... along with a bag that had string looped around it and a tiny fishhook. Probably had more tools in the satchel. That must be what Wendy meant when she said she didn't need any help getting around. Peter couldn't stop from smiling at the thought of his tiny friend scaling up the table. He had no doubt Wendy could if she set her mind to it. Wendy sensed his scrutiny after a few moments. "What?" She asked defensively, shifting nervously under Peter's gaze. "Nothing, just... happy you're alright." Peter smiled for his friend's sake, shifting topic quickly. "How... what happened back then? How did you survive?" For a long moment, Wendy stared down at the table she was sitting on. "I don't really remember. I with John and Micheal, and the next thing I remember is this big bright flash of light, and I was out. The next thing I remember is waking up in a little house, everything slightly off from what you'd expect, with my two rescuers sitting nearby. I found out later I was out for almost a week. They thought I would never wake up, that I'd starve while lying there." She glanced up at Peter, tiny blue eyes almost shining at her memories. "I went to find my family, when they were told I was dead. Then you took off, I called out to you, but you didn't respond. Then the couple who found me took me in. Without them I would have never made it." Seeing her eyes tearing up, Peter fumbled through his vest and pants pockets...before finding a hankerchief to offer to her....moving closer before gently holding the cloth out in as calm and non-threatening a manner as he could. "Here....this might help..."
Wendy looked at the sheet-sized kerchief...her eyes widening at his offer...and she looked up at the giant.....before she moved to slowly crawl closer as well...and she lifted an arm...hand reaching up, though she hesitated a moment...before she wrapped her fingers in the soft clean fabric....and pulled it to her face...wiping at her eyes and nose with another sob....thankful for his gracious patience. After a moment of crying...she looked up, peeking over the edge of the cloth at her childhood friend....and she lifted her hand again to the massive fingers still holding the cloth..........and she reached out with both arms to grab his thumb, startled by her own brashness...but she had a very sudden urge and a strong desire for true be held...and soothed... Peter was equally startled...if not more so...when the tiny girl suddenly reached out and grabbed onto his thumb. His brown eyes widened...and he blinked, his head tilting to the side. "Wendy?"..... But she merely held on tighter, burying her face against the side of his thumb...and her shoulders trembled and shook. "Wendy...."......He whispered....and before he could stop himself...his other hand reached down...and upon the sudden urge, he gathered the trembling girl up into his large hands, fingers curling around her tiny frame to cradle her up in the bowl of his palms as he held her close to his chest. "Hey...there there,'s alright.......there's n-nothing to be frightened're safe." He sat back on the the window seat...shifting to lean back against the wall as she wrapped herself against his thumb even tighter. He was...amazed....yet touched by her actions. He...hadn't expected her to wish to be touched or held so soon...if ever. But now she was clinging to him as if he were everything..... "You're safe..." He rumbled again, voice soft and calming as he curled a finger to carefully stroke her back....trying his best to soothe her.......and after a few moments he began to one might sing to soothe a young child. The melody of a lullaby. His hands were so...warm. So gentle as he picked her up. There was no pain. No jolting. His fingers didn't curl around her to clutch her in a merciless fist. No. They cradled her sweetly and tenderly. They made her And his voice was amazingly gentle and calming....her eyes drifted shut, silent tears of relief slipping from her eyes now...and she wrapped her arms tighter around his thumb. She didn't want the moment to end. The first moment of calm and peace she'd felt in over eight years.... "Th-thank you...P-Peter." She whispered softly, rubbing her cheek against the soft flesh of his thumb. But when his humming changed to a rumbling chuckle.....her eyes opened...and she looked up into the face of the giant holding her in question. "It's alright, Wendy..." His brown eyes softened further, their brown depths flickering a little with a protective light as he looked down at her and stroked her back again. "I've got you~"

Friends ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora