Pirates, Space, and Past

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To say Quinn had not been expecting this would be a massive understatement. Who would have thought that a tiny four-man crew spaceship would be the target of The Pirates? Well, it certainly wasn't Quinn or his crew. At the mention of The Pirates, the whole crew promptly freaked out.

    Quinn had tried so hard to make his ship inconspicuous. He had a history with The Pirates that he wished not to repeat. He spent years running from them and thought that looking so simply The Pirates would just pass them by. Oh, how wrong he was. Now Quinn had to get out of this without his past getting out.

    "Pilots! To your stations!" Quinn yells and Andy and Emma imediatly run to the docs. He turns and looks at Artemis. She knows what he was going to say and nods. She quickly makes way to her tools and heads to the engine room. "Alright crew. We're going to make it out of this little scuffle no matter what."

    "Never mind" Quinn mutters as he is practically dragged to the main compartment of The Pirates ship ironically named Mother Teresa. "Shut up, Quintin." He hears the Masked person "escorting" him say. "The only person allowed to call me that is my mother" Quinn says very affronted.

    The scuffle had been minor, but not in the Ace of Spades favor. The ship had taken heavy damage and was promptly boarded by the enemy. Andy was the first to surrender, not wanting to deal with the fight. Artemis followed soon after, for she wanted the ship to take as little damage as possible. Quinn was next and young Emma was last.

    Back to present time Quinn was still affronted when thrown at the feet of Mother Teresa's Captain, right next to his crew. "Quintin, long time no see." The Captain says. "It's a pleasure to see you again" he continues. "I can't say I share your sentiment James." Quinn responds. "I bet you thought you were so smart, hiding in plain sight. How did that work out Quinn?" Quinn glares with all he had and says "I don't know you tell me." James laughs and says "Still a spiteful little one, aren't you?" Quinn spits at his feet. That's the last thing he can do before all he sees is black.

    Quinn comes to in a comfortable bed surrounded by a soft light. He slowly looks around before his eyes land on a woman with long soft looking brown hair. She is wearing what looks to be a baby blue dress. Oh, how Quinn knew that face. "Mother?" he whispers hesitant to get a response. "Quintin, oh my poor baby." She says before enveloping Quinn into a firm yet motherly hug. Quinn could feel the wetness of tears gathering in his eyes. "I'm sorry mamma, I failed you, I failed Abigail and Marissa, and I failed Phi"

    Quinn sobbed for what felt like hours. He eventually exhausted himself and was forced to go to sleep again. When he came to the second time a man about 23 was sitting in the same place his mother had. He almost hadn't recognized the man before realizing it was Phrixus. He now had a jagged scar running from millimeters away from his jugular to his eyebrow. "Phi..." Quinn found himself whispering in shock. "Was that...Did I?" Phi understood the question and shook his head as to say no. "No, it wasn't from then. I was put through training shortly after you left and an unfortunate 'accident' occurred." He explains. "Oh Phi. Can you tell me if my sisters are ok?" Phi chuckles and says, very loudly "Yes they are doing great". Quinn could tell this was a que because right when he said it the door burst open and two identical girls burst through the door. "Brother" They yell in unison.

    "Abby, Marissa" Quinn yells back. They tackle him down on to the bed. Quinn puts up a mock struggle as they sit on him "You two are getting very big" How old are you two 10?" they both laugh and Abigail says "No silly we're 11" Quinn smiles and says "I must be getting senile in my old age" and his sisters giggle accordingly. Quinn turns to look at Phrixus "do you know where my crew is?" Phrixus sighs but says "Yes and it will take some stealth but I can help you get back to your ship with your crew. The twins put up an immediate protest They shout things like "Q no!" and "You just got here!" "I'm sorry girls, but I have to save my ship and my crew" Quinn says.

    On the other side of the Mother Teresa the Ace of Spades crew is sitting in a cell. "well so much for making it out." Andy says being the first one to break the silence. "Why to lighten the mood Andy..." Artemis reprimands. "I'm sure Quinn will come for us." Emma says in an attempt to stay optimistic. Artemis sighs and says "He obviously knew this ships captain. What did he call him? James? Regardless Quinn has history here and I'm not sure what it is." At the mention of Quinn knowing The Pirates captain Andy winces. Andy obviously knew more than they were letting on.

    "I Know how Quinn know James... James is interested in Quinn even if he turned him down. I'm sure as you know our captain is Ace and Aro, so naturally he turned James down but he doesn't take no for an answer." The crew was stunned into silence. Artemis was the first to say anything "How do you know all this?" she asks. "Well..." Andy begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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