a conversation quickly sparked about some arcade they went to a few years back and how it closed down last summer

i tried to keep up, but since i never even knew there was an arcade in this town, it was hard

mike could see that i was struggling, so he tried to change the subject,'so, vic, what do you do on the weekends, since you can obviously tell we play at the arcade' and he laughed a little bit at the end

i smiled and began to talk,'well usually in the summer i go down to the barrens and swim, but it's cold out so i guess I would just go to the diner or watch a movie at the theater'

lucas laughed and put on a goofy voice,'OoOo how romanticcc' he said, dragging out the c

i laughed at it, and could see that mike didn't and low key shot a death glare at lucas

after a few more minutes of everyone talking to each other will asked me what my schedule was so we could see if any of us had the same classes

'sure, let me get it out of my backpack; one sec'

once i got it out of my backpack, mike told me we had last period, which was history, together

'great! see you then wheeler!' i said as everyone got up to get to there next class since the bell had just rung

i had physical education, so I headed there to change into my pe clothes

last period of the school day, history

i walked into the class and sat down in the back at one of the empty seats 

i was the first one there so i just sat and waited until more people came in and the lesson would start

as all the seats were being filled up, no one sat next to me

but then, a few minutes before the bell rang and the class officially started, mike came in

he smiled once he saw me, and i don't think i've ever seen a bigger smile on someone ever

he winked at me, too and I signalled for him to come over and sit next to me

he walked over and sat his things down

we were the only two people at the table, since all the tables in the history classroom were made for two people

'so, we meet again, miss harrington' mike smiled

'we sure do' i said with an airy laugh

the bell rang, but the teacher never ended up coming right on time

'i guess mr dettner doesn't care about influencing the future children of america with knowledge of what happened a million years ago, vic. we have been robbed!'

'damn right' i said as we both laughed together

then, the teacher came in with richie by his side;

wait, richie? why would richie be here?

hm, it doesn't matter, mike is here to keep me company

the teacher brought richie up to the front of the class and explained that richie would be in our class from now on

i leaned over and whispered to mike,'who knew that he would be in the advanced history class' and giggled a little bit

'didn't you used to date that guy?' mike asked me

'yeah, long story short, we were young so it wasn't serious, it was just messy'

'oh' he said and laughed a little bit

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