3~Myself and The Pack

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I played with the bracelets on my wrist. They were the only items of my parents that they gave me to remember them.
I felt they had a reason for leaving me. I slowed my pace of walking and cane upon a large tree in the middle of the forest, a place where all the animals pass. One species will certainly help me.
I fell asleep wondering," What if no creature comes and helps me?"
I woke up a few hours later in a cave with wolf pups everywhere. Slowly I sat up not wishing to disturb the pack, but when I did the pack stopped and looked at me with happiness.
But why?
A young adult she-wolf

brought a leg of a boar to me with the skin pealed back so I could get at the raw meat better

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brought a leg of a boar to me with the skin pealed back so I could get at the raw meat better.
I knew they were doing their best, so I snift the leg. The young she-wolf looked worried that she had done something wrong.
Looking her in the eyes I nodded and held out my hand I wasn't holding the leg with. She snift it causuosly, then placing her muzzle on my hand. I slowly started petting her fur.
She gracefully moved forward letting my arm trace her young figure, her head on my chest and my arm over her shoulders.
She circled and layed her paws and head on my lap looking up at me. Looking as though I was Alpha and her mate.
Looking deep into her eyes I heard a faint whisper of a female saying," My name is Eclipse, and our pack will protect you with our lives."
"Thank you Eclipse. For everything.

Percy Jackson✓FenrirWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu