1¦ Good morning

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You crept slowly through the door of your matesprit's hive, he was still asleep and you didn't want to wake him as you tiptoed stealthily down the hallway to his stair case. You had decided early that morning you wanted to wake him up yourself as it had been one whole sweep since you became matesprits. Even though he was shouty and very hard to deal with, you loved him more than you loved anything in the world. As you slowly stepped up the stairs, you started to hear him purr in his sleep - something he did when he was dreaming. A small smile appeared on your lips at how adorable he was - you were so glad he was yours. You came to the landing, his bedroom door right in front of you. You took a moment to brace yourself for all of the shouting he was going to do after this - and all the laughing you was going to do when he woke up.

You pushed the door open slowly, coming into his room - you had helped him re-decorate it - the grey carpet fluffy against your shoes, the candy-red walls covered with rom-com posters that you had seen many times. He lay there, curled up beneath his crab-covers, snoring and purring softly. You admired him, how adorable he was, he would never admit how cute he really was. You crept up to the edge of his bed, thinking for a moment - how were you going to wake him? Before you could stop your body, you pounced onto the bed, onto his stomach. You heard him gag and his eyes opened. Gently, you straddled his stomach above the covers, looking down at him with the widest eyes you could pull off. He glared up at you for a second - you could tell he was holding back a smile. "Good morning McShouty." You greeted. He rolled his eyes and put a sarcastic smile on his face. "[Y/N] What the fuck are you doing here so early?" He grumbled - making you frown - he should have been happy you were there. "Saying good morning to the most amazing matesprit in the world!"

He reached up slowly and pushed your shoulder - purposefully not hard enough to shove you off. You giggled softly and slid off of the bed, placing you butt on the edge next to him. "Well, bulgesucker, why the fuck didn't you just call me before diving on me and making me want to puke? Shit." He said. You rolled your eyes. A small chuckle escaped his mouth, arms sliding around your waist and pulling you down next to him. You couldn't help but squeal silently as he pulled you close, resting his head on your shoulder and smiling. "Shit, you make me so fucking happy, sometimes."

"You make me happy too, Karkat." You mumbled softly, too entranced in his embrace to be able to speak properly - gog he took your breath away. You felt lips press against your neck and you sighed happily. If there was one thing you loved to do, it was cuddle with Karkat - although he was angry most of the time, he was the most romantic guy you knew. He moved a strand of your [H/C] hair out of your face. "Right. What time is it? It better not be too fucking early, or I'll just fucking kill you!" He grumbled, shuffling next to you and sliding out of bed.

You turned onto your stomach, looking up at the grey ceiling whilst he moved to get changed. "It's only eight in the morning." You heard him groan. "Stop being so grumpy, nubs." You teased. "Stop being so fucking grumpy? I'd be less shitting grumpy if I got a lie-in sometime soon."

Quickly, you sat up, just to stare at him for a moment - really stare at him. You hoped he'd turn around and see you staring, so he knew how what he was saying wasn't funny. But, of course, Karkat being himself, he just stayed facing away from you. "Oh, happy one sweep, karkat." You growled. "Yeah, sure." He muttered. You sighed and got out of bed, walking over to his mirror and sorting your hair out before you began heading for the door. "Where the fuck are you going?" You heard him say behind you. "Somewhere where I'm wanted." You replied, resting your hand on the door knob ready to turn. You hesitated for a moment, not really wanting to start the day like this. What had even pissed you off? He was usually like this, anyway. "Sorry." His voice rang in your ears - you gasped in surprise at his apology. "What?" You asked, turning around to meet his gaze. "Sorry, I fucked this morning up. I should have just been happy that you fucking came instead of ruining it with my shitty attitude."

You smiled again. Gog you loved him. You hid your smile quickly as you didn't let him know how relieved you were - you wanted to let him know you were tired of this every couple of days when you tried to be romantic. "Whatever." You said and sighed. "Please, [Y/N], don't be fucking pissed at me, yeah I'm a fucking asshole, but I just cant help my shitty attitude sometimes." He explained. "I love you."

Slowly, you moved towards him, wrapping your hands around his waist and burying your head in his chest, you heard him let out a breath and place his arms around you. He kissed the top of your head softly. "Happy one sweep." He mumbled and you giggled softly. If there was one person who could drive you mad - make you pissed and then make everything better again, it was him. You both stood there for a moment, embracing each other for as long as you felt like you wanted to. It was you who pulled away first. "Oh, I love you too, by the way." You told him and he smiled, his cheeks tinting red at your comment. You reached up and poked his cheek before stepping away and looking up at him. He wasn't a tall troll, but he was just a little bit taller than you - just enough to make you have to look up ever-so-slightly to meet his gaze. "I'm going to Dave's house today, you coming?" You asked him. He nodded. "Yeah, I suppose I could pay strider a quick visit." He said.

And with that you both walked out of his hive, hand-in-hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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