Woozi - Overwork

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This is so hard.

Although I keep on thinking like that, I still keep on going. Because this is special to me. It should turn out nicely since it's special.


"Woozi-ah, can't you just stop and go to bed?"  I asked while knocking at his studio's door. He doesn't like people disturbing him while he is at work but I just can't bear to see him 24 hours in his room, working on something I don't know.

I decided to just shout it out from outside rather than going in or he will get really annoyed. I sighed as he didn't respond to anything. Perhaps he's sleeping right now. He should be sleeping or I'll punch him on his face because of not getting enough sleep.

I don't like to see his sleepy and puffy face.

I knock for the last time and walked away from his studio. He hasn't eaten yet for the whole day. I hope he's okay.

The next morning

I woke up seeing no one by my side. I'm not surprised at all since I know where he is. But I just surprised that he's still there at 9.

I woke up late today since it's weekend but Woozi always wakes up early no matter what day is it. Is he stills working or sleeping?

He has a small toilet in his bathroom so it can't be impossible that he's still there and didn't step out of his studio since yesterday.

"Urgh, c'mon Woozi. You don't know how much I miss you,"  I mumbled in annoyance and walked to the bathroom.

I put on some simple and comfortable clothes. I decided to check on him but his studio was locked. Seriously, Woozi...

I knock for a couple of times but no response from him. I started to get worried. "Woozi! Open the door, babe"

"Babe, don't lock the door, please. Open it and get out."  I shouted while trying to get in.

I leave his studio and searching for the spare key that he usually keeps it in his jeans pocket but I just don't know which jeans.

I sighed and begin my searching.

I'll kill him once I got in.

After a few minutes, I found his key which is not in his jeans pocket but his jacket's pocket. I grumbled and walked to his studio again.

Thanks to the key, I get to go in. "Yah, Woozi!"  the door was open and reveal a sleeping Woozi.

(Wah! So hard to find a pic that suits the situation 🐰)

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(Wah! So hard to find a pic that suits the situation 🐰)

His head was placed on the table with some paperwork. I sighed after seeing his tired body.

"Woozi-ah, wake up and sleep in the bedroom."  I shake him to wake him up. He struggled to wake up but finally, he opened his eyes. Just half awake.

"Babe, sleep in your bed," I said. "I'm tired," he groaned.

"I know. You shouldn't be overworked and make me worry, you know"

He smiled weakly. "Sorry, but I make a song for you. Play it on if you want"  he said and give me a quick kiss before walking out of the studio. "Oh! By the way, Happy Our 1st Anniversary!"  he smiled with his half-awake face.

I blush without knowing and started to play the song that he was talking about. It's been a year since we dated. I smiled and touched hearing at the sweet song that he made for me.

"you shouldn't be working so hard for me, babe."


School sucks! But now I'm on my holiday so I could update you more

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School sucks! But now I'm on my holiday so I could update you more. As soon as the school starts, I couldn't update as fast as I am right now.

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