Do You Remember...

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Author's Note:

Disclaimer: Divergent belongs to Veronica Roth

Sorry, I haven't posted in a long time. The truth was that I didn't have a lot of inspiration and only got this idea from working on my other stories.


"Do not pity the dead. Pity the living. And above all, pity those without love." - Albus Dumbledore

Do you remember...

After both Will and Tris's deaths, Christina never picks up a gun again. Whenever she does, she can never fire a shot.

Sometimes, Peter feels that there is something important that he has forgot, but he never remembers exactly what it is.

Shauna slowly regains use of her legs. At the same time, she takes steps to do what Lynn would have wanted. In honor of Lynn, she never again believes in the threat of Divergents, but it is a truth with a harsh memory and awakening.

As an Erudite at heart, Cara finally lets the death of Will go. She didn't truly blame Tris for his death, but wished that Will didn't have to be sacrificed in the process for all wars to be over.

Tris is buried along with her parents, who bodies were later recovered. If you visit occasionally, you will most likely see a small pile of Dauntless cake.

Caleb is now the last Prior. What's done can not be undone, and he makes the most of it by marrying Susan and unconsciously adapting back to the Abnegation lifestyle.

David and the other council members do find it odd that all their memories were erased, but their misgivings are smoothed over by the helpful people of Chicago. But he does find it queer that a man named Four, who he has never met, has to be restrained from punching him on their first meeting.

Evelyn and Marcus probably had the biggest staged spousal conflict in the history of Chicago. In fact, it was broadcasted on a very public trial, and an even more public exile.

Later in life, Tobias Eaton almost wears out the zip line. Whenever he thinks about Tris's death, he travels back to the Dauntless compound's zip line. This proves to be a large amount of time, and one day the line almost snaps when he reaches the bottom.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading!

I repeat, I won't be able to post as much without inspiration, so please review or comment. As I said before, criticism is also welcome, but for my sanity, no flames please. Any thoughts are also welcome!

Once you comment, I will reply and thank you personally on my author's note at the beginning and end of the next chapter.

In addition, I have posted a new Divergent story called Separate Ways. Feel free to check it out!

Have a nice weekend!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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