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Author's Note:

Disclaimer: Divergent belongs to Veronica Roth

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Christina is left abandoned. Al is dead. Will is dead. Tris is dead. Even Uriah and Marlene are gone. She had never imagined choosing Dauntless would lead to more heartbreak than joyfulness. Yes, she still has her family to return to, which makes her position better than others, but her friends are gone, and with them, a part of what Dauntless was meant to be.

When Al jumps into the Chasm, everything feels darker and colder. As his body was pulled out, a part of her shuts it out and locks the memory away. The Candor part of her insists that there was nothing she could have done, and his decisions from the beginning turned the wheels in motion and sealed his fate. Yet the Dauntless part of her protests that she should have been brave enough to look into the truth before it had happened and save him.

For days, Will's whereabouts are unknown, and the very idea of what that could mean troubles her to no end. She has spent such a long time preparing for any new of him, but when Tris confesses to accidentally killing him, the dam that she had carefully constructed inside of her explodes. For a while, it seems to Christina as if she was once again hanging off the ledge and dangling over the Chasm. The only difference is this time, the ledge where her friend is seems more difficult than the Chasm can ever be.

Tris is everything. Namely, in their history, Tris can be classified as her best friend and sometimes even family. Tris was almost an enemy for a while. Christina is the only one who can claim to have seen her friend's entire transformation. After all, it is only Christina who first met the shy, skinny girl from Abnegation and watched her slowly overcome obstacles to become a full fledged, brave Dauntless member. Even though not much of Christina's initial faction is left, she still is able to determine some parts of Tris that are pure Abnegation. She witnesses Tris's memories until they are ended by a gunshot.

Author's Note:

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In addition, I also just posted a new story of Natalie Prior, so please check it out! Thank you!

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