Part 3

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This Part is a bit weird mainly because I did want the rebirth to happen at the end of this part but instead it will be in the next.

4 days later, 5.07.3011
Charra's belly was now smaller and she could move short distances now. She'd decided to leave the day to day running of the hive to her aides in particularly Sekhrek, her vizier, in order to focus on the more importsnt like her baby. She gently probed his mind opening certain neural pathways, she knew from the moment she saw him that he was a latent (inactive, powes dormant) psion, her current probing and  shaping would make certain that he'd become quite powerful. She also made sure that he slept untroubled by  nightmares. She was starting slowly while shaping his physiology, what she didn't want was to accidentally infest him. She was slowly adding sequences of her own DNA to his and removing some of the sequences of his, not many though and none of the important ones. He was going to be so beautiful when she was done.
She grimaced felt a pang of hunger. "Time for a snack. I wish I could still get Cioc Bars, however fruit will have to do.", she sent out a telepathic message for her handmaidens. "Handmaidens I am hungry and I wish to eat in my garden. Have food brought up there and then assist me.", the reply was an almost instantaneous "Yes, my Queen."

Ten minutes later two of her handmaidens come in and help Charra to walk to her Garden at the very top of the Hive. The garden was a beautiful green oasis in the greys and browns and blacks of the Rakash growths and the remaining duracrete of the human mansion, with vsrious soecies of plant life growing there, from tiny Edelweiss flowers to a few gnarled and giant trees.

She sat underneath one of these looking out over the surrounding area. It was interesting how the ruins of the surrounding city had been converted into a thriving Hive-City. She began to eat the fruit and drink some of the honey. She felt movement on her belly as Jace kicked. She smiled, "Soon, baby, Momma's gonna let you out soon baby.", she laced her words with psionic resonance so that Jace would calm.

1 week later: 12.07. 3011

Charra's belly was now normal pregnancy size at about eight-and-a-half months. She'd almost finished completing the physiological changes, the mental changes were taking a bit longer as to avoid any damage to his psyche, she had to take long leaps around so that he'd have all his indivuality, yet be connected to the hive mind.

After getting bored with the frankly not all too engaging task of connecting neurodes, she began to think of how to bring Jace up in an environment that was equally Rakashi and Human. Sje really wanted him to enjoy the comforts of her childhood a comfy crib, maybe one of those newfangled Infantz padded ones and like the building blocks with the clips like the ones her youger brother had. But she'd also watched the second and third generation of Rakashi Highhatched grow up and she wanted him to enjoy games like a webcrawl, a game in which the players grew a network of growth nets which they then had to crawl through. Also some cute baby clothes, like the ones she'd seen online. Charra in truth got a bit overexcited. So she came up with a plan. She was going to go into the nearest human city, Vessicon and bye these things. But she couldn't reveal herself as the Rakashi Queen. Charra wished there was someone who could help her. Then it came to her and also where she could stay, with her sister, Eona who just so happened to officialy own their family's mansion in Vessicon. She was nervous though, it was true that her sister perfectly accepted her choice to become the Rakashi Queen, still it had been months since she'd spoken to her. She decided to be brave and to call her Sister. She got her scroll from it's place on her desk, flicked throigh menu and clicked the call button.

(E-Eona C-Charra)

E "Good morning, you're speaking to Eona Kerr, of House Kerr, how may I help you?"

C "Uhhhh Hi, Eona, it's me Charra...."

Eona cut her off.

E "Oh my God.... Charra is that really you? Umm what to say.... why haven't you called, no forget that you rule a city, so you have to be really busy. So how are you?"

C "Ummm it's okay sis, I have been and I'm sorry, I was just you know busy and afraid of what would happen if.. anyway I'm really great I have some news umm.. I'm pregnant!"

E "What? How, i thought you couldn't conceive?"

C "Here goes nothing! I unbirthed a human boy, he was an outcast lived on his own and social services didn't care enough to get him. So I sent handmaidens out to find him. I well.."

E "It's fine, I know that those in
The undercity can live very hard lives. Congratulations! When are you due?"

C "2 weeks."

E "I have an idea, we can meet. I know some people who are willing ti get to the Hive's outskirts. Maybe we can even go shopping, like we used to. Don't worry about your hair, wear a 'turban'. I'll see you soon. Love you, bye."

C "Bye"

Charra smiled she couldn't wait fir her little boy to meet his Aunty.


Not sure when the next one will be released maybe friday.

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