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Wendy felt along the dark and cold passageway, using her hands to guide her along. "I'm sorry Mr. And Mrs. Darling, but we couldn't find any trace of your daughter." "Wait! I'm right here! Father! Mother! I'm down here!" Wendy waved at them frantically, desperate to get their attention, but they neither saw or heard her as they left the room.  She shivered at the cold air that swirled in from the open window. Suddenly she heard sobbing, and she knew the voice behind those cries. "Peter..." She saw the boy hugging his legs to his chest, and crying into his knees. Tinkerbell tried to comfort the boy, but to no avail. He sniffled and wiped at his eyes, "Come on Tink. There's nothing here for us anymore." "No! Peter, please wait!" Wendy cried, he was the only one who could help her. She couldn't let him leave. She reached for his foot, only to collapse on the carpet when he flew out the window, disappearing into the night. "PETER!!!"

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