I shrugged. "Well, for starters he didn't do anything. We just hung out and it happened organically, I guess," I muttered as Jay frowned in apparent confusion.

"Organically?" his frown deepened with the question he asked out loud. "What? What does that mean?"

"That means, well, he didn't do what you did. He wasn't demanding, and we became friends first," I replied, and Jays just rolled his eyes at my words before looking away. He rubbed his eyes with the base of his palms, sitting straight so that he wasn't slouching on the uncomfortable chair anymore.

"I'm sure you're used to getting what you want when you want it, but that's not how relationships work," I continued, and he just used the tip of his index finger to trace over the scribbling and compass marks on the table.

"Well, what should I have done?" he said, turning to look at me. "If I had let things happen 'organically' would you have liked me?"

"I—err..." I trailed as I looked away. Wyatt's hair, pale skin, lean body, and blue eyes filled my mind. I felt my cheeks warm up at my thoughts, and to answer Jay's question — no, probably not.

"To be honest, no," I said with a shrug of my shoulders. "And that's another thing, sometimes you'll never get what you want even if you try as hard as you can," I added.

Jay's lips formed a thin line before he made to rest his head on the table. He looked exhausted, so when he slept off I hadn't been surprised. He looked rather peaceful in his sleep, and a lot less menacing than when he was awake. I shook my head, turning back to my work. I had to finish my homework before Wyatt comes over to pick me up.


Message from: David.


Guess what.

FRI, 4:52 PM.

I rolled my eyes, cursing under my breath after I read the text. Wyatt laughed beside me. He had probably heard the small curse I let out. We were in his car, and he was driving us back home. He had come to pick me up from school a few minutes ago. I had shaken Jay awake by the shoulder before leaving, and he had even gotten to see a glimpse of Wyatt since he had been waiting by the study room's door.

Message to: David.


FRI, 4:53 PM.

I sent it, and it got read right after before David's typing bar popped up.

Message from: David.

Tim said he'll watch a movie with me!


I know this is a pity date, but I'll try my best to make sure he has fun.


I mean, I know I don't look like you, but I know I'm decent-looking. Tim and I also have the same interests, so we'll get along. I think he thinks I'm fun to be around. He laughs at my jokes.

FRI, 4:55 PM.

I frowned. My looks. Everyone kept mentioning my looks, but I didn't think I looked the way most people described it. I mean, I wasn't ugly — average at best. I was cute with freckles and bit bouncy hair like David either, so I don't know what he was going on about.

"It would have been inappropriate to say this before, but since we're together now I think I can," Wyatt had said as he'd stared at me. We had been hanging out in his room that evening, lying next to each other, face to face. "You're good-looking, like really good-looking. You're hot."

The memory of that day still made me blush from time to time. I blinked, snapping out of my thoughts. I then looked down at David's text and made to reply to it.

Message to: David.

Oh, that'd great!


Can I ask you a question?

FRI, 5:00 PM.

Message from: David.


FRI, 5:01 PM.

Message to: David.

What do you mean by: "I know I don't look like you."?

FR, 5:02 PM.

Message from: David.

You're good-looking, you're REALLY good-looking.

FRI, 5:03 PM.

David sent. I frowned at his reply, making to type up a response.

Message to: David.

But no one has ever liked me until recently — Tim, and it's probably because I kicked Jay and his goon's butts.

FRI, 5:05 PM.

Message from: David.

Ah, a lot of girls like you, you're just dense.

FRI, 5:06 PM.

Message to: David.

Shut up.

FRI, 5:07 PM.

Message from: David.

We're texting each other, you idiot.

FRI, 5:08 PM.

I rolled my eyes, putting my phone away before looking at Wyatt who was humming softly as he drove. I smiled, looking down at my lap as my cheeks began to grow warm. I would probably follow him up to his room, or he would come to mine. We would talk and one of us would reach out to the other to kiss. My smile became wider as I thought about it. Having him as my boyfriend made me so happy.

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