"Hey!! That wasn't on purpose!!" She said defending herself.

"Exactly!!" I proved my point. We laugh, until my eye caught something. My eyes grew the size of saucers. She stops laughing when she notices my face change.

"Kitty, are you alright?" She asked me. I nod rubbing my eyes making sure I'm seeing this right. I was. I started to tear up at the sight. I started shaking my head as I stood up, never taking my eyes off of what I was seeing.

"No. No no no no no no no no no!! This can't be true!?" I said panicking.

"Kitty, what is it? What?" I wasn't paying attention so she grabbes me by the shoulders and shook me. "What's wrong?!"

"M-M'lady I-I see my M-Mother." I said and looked back at my Mother. She was walking around the park. She looks to be talking to herself about something.

"What? You see your Mother? Where?" She let's go of me and starts to look were I was looking but she doesn't know what she looks like so she has no success.

"I have to go talk to her. This night be the last time I talk to her. I need to see her up close." I say looking at Ladybug now.

"Kitty, no. She can't know who yo- " she was cut off with me jumping off the roof heading to the park. She was chasing me, trying to stop me but I was faster.

I landed right in front of her on one of my knees looking down. When I look up shes looking right at me. I quickly stand up, realizing that it is her. My Mother, the one I haven't seen for a year, is standing right in front of me. Ladybug lands next to me and looks at the woman I'm staring at. She look at me and then back at my Mother multiple times before her mouth fly's open. "She looks like you." She whispers. I nod and continue to stare at my Mother.

"Um can I help you?" My Mother asks. Her voice is still beautiful. I start to tear up at the sound of it. One tear slips. "Um are you okay, sir?" She looks at me and I feel Ladybugs eyes at my right. "I'm sorry to be rude but I have somewhere to be so I don't have time for this." She spats.

"What? Wait of course!! You never have time for your own son and not to mention, left him with your so called husband!!" I step forward so she steps back.

"Stop Kitty." Ladybug tells me but I don't listen.

"What are you talking about?!" She asks frantically.

"You don't recognize you own son?!" I put a hand on my chest and let the tears spill from my eyes.

"My son!? Your no-" she stops speaking and looks at me closely. Her eyes get huge when she realizes who I am. "Oh Kitten... I'm so sorry. I didn't know who you were."

"That doesn't matter!! Why did you leave me?!?! Why did you leave Father!?!" I yell and at this moment I am so happy there is no one in the park.

"Kitten, I can't tell you but I love you," she reaches for my arm. "I'm so sorry and I promise-"

I pull myself away from her hand."You know what?! Forget it!! You left me and Father and you can't even tell me why you left?!" She reaches for me again. "Don't touch me! Never touch me ever!!" I jumped away with tears spilling down my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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