Pidge Headcanons

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-speaks French

-plays piano for fun

-practices her makeup skills on Lance and Keith (with much begging)

-she finds flowercrowns aesthetically pleasing

-has a few (approximately 2-5) tattoos

-is absolutely terrible with kids

-makes new recipes with Hunk

-doubtlessly hates shopping with a burning passion

-has freckles

-is 'Freckle Buddies' with Lance

-she sometimes sings along with or plays background music for Keith on her piano

-would be a videogame designer

-never sleeps but is also never tired

-the others worry about her but she insists she's perfectly fine

-she basically lives off coffee

-she sometimes rants angrily in French without realizing

-the others have to tell her what she's doing so they can actually understand her

-her room is an organized mess

-her clothing style ranges from 'damnnnn i look like a bAd BiTCh' to 'these are my literal pajamas'

-there is no in between

-Shiro is always shook when she swears like the dad he is

-but the others are so used to it by now they just roll with it

-she has to go through the Shiro-Shield™ when picking outfits before she can buy them/go out on them

-she's allergic to peanuts

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