Character Sheet

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The title of the fic is based off the song
My ordinary life by the living tombstone

The Basics

Name: Artemis "Art" Marie King
Age: unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5
Weight: 100 lbs
Eye color: Violet or Black
Hair color: White
Voice: Uses voice filter that makes her sound like a man.
Date of Birth: June 2nd
Star Sign: Gemini
Home World: Olympus
Species: Humanoid
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Affiliation: Freelancer/Mercenary
Appearance: Art has chin length Snow White hair that is the same length and parted slightly to the left. She has large almond shaped violet eyes with a small slightly buttoned nose and thick lips with a smattering of freckles across her nose and under her eyes. She has milky pale skin with several black tattoos on both arms down to her elbows and down her back. She's slender with well toned arms and long legs.
Clothing Choice: Artemis rocks cropped tops and high waisted pants that are normally black or deep hues of red and blue.
Life Prior to Military: Artemis comes from a planet called Olympus, as in, the planet where the gods of Ancient Greece lived. She is the daughter of Zeus and Hera and the younger sister to Aries and older sister of Athena. The trio were raised to be warriors, to one day protect the child that was chosen to rule their planet after their parents stepped down. Shortly there after, her father took a job in with the USNC and became the director of a group of Freelancers, Artemis and Aries taking part in the program while they kept Athena as far away as possible from it. Everything seemed great and others were recruited, taking the names of other gods and goddesses that fell to ruin. Unlike the other group of freelancers, three were chosen to have AI's. Artemis, Aries, and her partner, Apollo. Art and Apollo handled the AI's well but Aries' drove him mad and he ended up betraying them... all of them.
Personality: Artemis is a arrogant, shoot first ask later, kind of girl. Despite this, she is easy to get along with and friendly, quick to stand up for those she cares about and even faster to throw a fist for them. She tends to flirt shamelessly as well, occasionally getting herself into trouble while also being the ultimate wing man. She was always a silly light hearted person, even when circumstances said she shouldn't be but once her brother betrayed them, she changed. She became compatible, closed off, manipulative, and even more hot headed than before. She doesn't want or need a team but with the new orders she receives, she does her best to keep her new batch of idiots alive.
Fatal Flaw: Artemis is an Olympic athlete at finding out what bothers someone the most about themselves and ripping into them about it, Especially is you piss her off. She's condescending and relentless and will crush you where you stand.
Saving Virtue: Because she knows what makes people tick, she's able to capitalize on what people want to hear and make friends with just about anyone by molding to them.
Good Traits:
•Quick on her toes
Bad Traits
•Short tempered
•Intentionally Hurtful
•Back stabby
Fears and Dislikes: Spiders. Losing her family.
Quirks: None, or that's what she says. *in actuality she is a horrible liar, she grins like a crazy person when she lies, so constantly wearing her armor definitely helps her*
Talents: Is unreasonably good at riddles and basketball. Also has insane climbing skills and gymnastic skills.
Anti-Talents: Swimming. She is a horrible swimmer. Never got the hang of it as a child and wasn't about to be 17 and swimming with mean 5 year olds.

Stamina: 10/10
Speed: 10/10
Attack: 9/10
Toughness: 8/10
Recovery: 9/10
Intelligence: 10/10
Perception: 10/10
Luck: 6/10

Apollo: Art's partner in crime. Their AI's were made together and only contribute to their kickass team work. (Achilles)
Aries: Older brother and fellow freelancer. They were insanely close growing up and while working in the program but their father found it unwise to pair them up. Aries goes crazy from his A.I. Implantation. (Odysseus)
Athena: Art's younger sister and the chosen child to take the throne. She's soft but also kind and hardworking and brilliant. She always idealized Artemis and wanted to be just like her but Art never wanted that for her.
York: They fight well together and get along well.
North: North reminds her of her brother and she adores him. She also thinks he's hot but is pretty chill about it.
South: she reminds Art of her brother and she doesn't trust or get along with her at all.
Washington: They get along well and fight well together. She also has the hots for him (she likes blonds, okay?)
Carolina: They're very competitive, Art being the best of the best in her unit while Carolina is the same way. As much as Carolina fights, art doesn't think of her as competition.
Texas: She knows upon meeting her that she's an A.I. and despite this, they get along at least kind of well.
Maine: They get along well, Maine being one of the first people to find out she's a girl.
Wyoming: She loves his dad jokes and they make them back and forth at each other.
The Reds:
Sarge: Gets dad vibes from him and enjoys his company despite the fact that he's kind of crazy.
Grif: Loves bumming around with him and stealing his snacks.
Simmons: He doesn't trust her and then has problems talking to her when he realizes she's a girl. His kiss ass attitude stresses her out but she tries to guide him in the right direction.
Donut: He brings out the girly side of her and they play with flowers and make up and talk boys, Donut noting she has feelings for a blue and a freelancer.
The Blues:
Tucker: He stresses her out and calls her 'princess' when he realizes who she is. She doesn't always get along with him and would happily crush him if it wasn't for the fact that it would piss off her team. She also gets excited over junior and their relationship improves.
Church: He has the hots for her but they have a strained relationship since he's in love with Tex and she knows it's unlikely he would ever stop loving her.
Caboose: She is immensely over protective of him because he reminds her of a child and loves him to bits.
Social skills:
Charisma: 10/10
Confidence: 10/10
Style: 9/10
Humor: 6/10
Passion: 10/10
Empathy: 5/10
Kindness: 7/10
Honesty: 3/10
Loyalty: 4/10
Patience: 5/10
Flirtiness: 10/10

Goals: Complete her missions at all cost and... avoid ending up like her brother.
Leitmotif: Toxic by Britany Spears or Poison by Bell Bi DeVoe
Quotes: "Oh, my twitchy witchy girl I think you are so nice, I give you bowls of porridge and I give you bowls of ice cream. I give you lots of kisses, and I give lots of hugs, but I never give you sandwiches with bugs in it."

The Soldier

Alias: Agent Artemis, alternatively, Agent Bermuda
Armor: Mark V armor. Art's armor is jet black with an electric blue visor and a crescent moon on her chest plate with the same electric blue details on the shoulders.
Armor Enhancement: Some.
AI: Perseus. He's smart and sassy and the pair get along well. He's shy at first when he meets new people but he's quick to make judgments and cut people out. 
Weapon of Choice: Artemis has duel energy swords that are more like energy katanas. She also has duel pistols that she uses when she isn't using her swords.
Physical Strengths: Art is small in height and thin, often getting stuck as the person to sneak into places because they know she can get in and out easily. It also helps her agility and her gymnastic skills help her maneuver smoothly through the battlefield.
Physical Weaknesses: She isn't weak physically, her biggest flaw is her inability to not push herself too far physically.

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