Warming up

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You stared at the hero side eyed he seemed calm, or rather more calm then you've ever seen him. The window began to fog more more both of your breath, "There's an emergency weather kit somewhere around here, I should've brought it out before you went on tonight, I'm so stupid." You say returning your eyes to the window watching the snow whip around the empty streets. The tree bent into the wind carelessly shaking off blankets of white powder. The peacefulness was almost surreal, no lights in the streets or on the buildings, no people, the only sound was a gust of wind every so often. "Then let's find it!" The hero exclaimed more than excited as he clapped his hands together. You jumped and slapped his arm in response, "Don't do that!" You say sharply. He smiled a toothy grin, "Does being alone in the dark with me make you... nervous Y/N?" The blonde hero leaned in closer whispering in you ear. You leaned into his ear in response instead of pulling away, "Oh yes Mic... more than anything." You whispered blowing softly into his ear, you watched him visibly shudder and you pushed him away before turning toward the front of the building. You heard the wind beating against the top portion of the door. You walk toward it and pry it open carefully only cracking it slightly. The wind picked up and knocked the door open and out of your hand making the window blow and the knee deep snow pile in. You struggled to get the door closed and a pair of hands went above yours on the door pushing it effortlessly causing you to slip and fall forward.
After the door snapped closed you felt hands on your back belt loops holding you up, "Lace, huh? I never figured you for that kind of girl Y/N." You heard a cocky coo from the hero. "If you don't-" your words were cut off by him letting go of your belt loops without hesitation causing you to continue falling forward but gave you the opportunity to catch yourself a little better this time. You were on all four when you heard a low devious chuckle from behind you, "You look ravishing in the position." He cooed again. "M-Mic seriously. Knock it off!" You felt yourself blush as you tripped of your words, shit... you cursed to yourself, that certainly didn't take long for him to go back to his usual self. You pushed yourself up off the floor and balled your hand into a fist and started down the dark hallway using your phone as the only light. You heard the heroes steps behind you, thank god it's dark and he can't see my face... you thought and shivered slightly. "Getting cold are we?" The voice was right in your ear again. "Yeah a little..." you replied keeping your face away. You reached the supply closet and felt a heavy piece of fabric cover you. Watching the hero as he took your phone from you and made his way into the supply closet. Looking at him you realized his leather jacket had been draped across your shoulders. You watched him as he reached up and moved things around, you watched as his shirt rose up over his hips revealing boxers, you watched as strand by strand his glorious hair lost its statue like hold falling gracefully around his light olive complexion. You shook your head feeling your cheeks flush slightly. "Got it!" You heard from the storage room and was relieved to see the box labeled EMERGENCY. The blonde hero held your phone out to you and you pointed the light at the box. Mic brushed the accumulated dust off and carefully opened the box. Inside contained a few blankets, candles, a few cans of food, bottles of water and a flashlight with extra batteries.
"Alright let's just make it through the night, hopefully we can get out when the sun comes up..." you thought out loud reaching for one of the blankets. "Where do you want to set up?" You heard the hero ask quietly as he stood with the box in his arms, you wrapped the blanket over the jacket the hero had given you. "Break room?" You say shrugging. "Break room." He replied back before walking past you out the door, you pointed the flash light on your phone down the void like hallway both of your steps echoing through the empty chilling building. You felt yourself shudder again as you watched the hero from behind, almost all of his statuesque hair had fallen into loose waves. You ran into a solid surface and looked up realizing you ran into the back of the hero who was opening the door in front of him. "You know if you wanted to touch me all you had to do was ask." You heard slight amusement in his voice as you looked down at your hand that was clutching onto the back of the heroes upper thigh close to his ass, quickly releasing his leg you pushed your way past him into the break room and sat down at one of the tables. "S-s-s-shut up." You managed behind now shivering teeth. "Are you really that cold?" You heard some slight concern in the mans voice. "N-n-n-no I'm only d-d-d-doing this so you'll a-a-a-ask m-m-m-m-e if I'm faking it." You finish as quick as you can borrowing yourself into the blanket and the leather smell of Mics jacket. You inhale deeply thankful for the electricity being out for the moment hiding your blushing face. You hear the sound of a lighter behind you and turn to see the hero lighting the candles that were in the box. The candles flame danced carelessly against the dark, illuminating the blonde hero. You watched as his careful chartreuse eyes followed his hand into the box pulling out the supplies in the box. Wisps of blonde hair began framing his face and shoulders falling in front of him like a golden waterfall, you watched as he pulled it behind his ear making his prominent jaw line visible. You watched as he carefully placed the box on the counter behind him and turned back to sit at the table across from you. Mic sat in front of you staring at his hands with the candle between the two of you and the candle light making his shadow dance on the ceiling freely overhead. "It's uh it's really going to be a long night for real huh?" You heard the hero say softly almost like static between radio stations. "I-I-I-I fuck!" You gripe in frustration, you put your head on the table as a hard shiver rips through your body and hear the heros chair scrape back against the linoleum floor. You feel the blanket open and are greeted to cooling air falling into your warm safe haven, "H-h-h-Hey what d-" you're cut off by the feeling of a warm body sliding close to you wrapping the blanket back up around you. You look up at the blonde hero who has now positioned himself in your cocoon blanket. Feeling the heat radiate from him felt magical, you greedily move closer to him press yourself against him. You felt the hero slight stiffen and shudder, "Shit you are cold..." you heard him say and you felt a warm arm wrap across your shoulders pulling you into the sculpted side of the hero. You felt your cheeks flush and again quietly thank the blizzard gods that he can't see how flustered he actually makes you.

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