Lights out

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"GOOOOOOOOooooooOoooooooooD Evening listeners! It's Present Mic commin at ya at 1 am on this glorious freezing Sunday morning!...." the hero announced continuing on his usual escapade and wildly mild voice control. You adjust the knobs slightly to give him the proper sound quality, You watched from the chair as the blonde mans face contorted into the necessary forms needed for him to achieve certain sounds, you watched as his smile reached the tips of his ears and bit your bottom lip unconsciously, "Well well well well weeeeeeelllllll...." You heard over the speakers pulling you away from admiring his face, he was staring at you with a smug smile that turned only the corners of his lips, "Listeners just so you know tonight we are under a blizzard watch this early morning, I hope everyone is warm, hopefully we won't lose power during this broadcast..." he drones on again, you felt a small amount of heat flush your cheeks and you quickly turned around face in your hands as you stared at the clock that flashed 1:13 a.m. then rubbed your temples slightly, it really is going to be a long night.... you thought spinning back in the chair, you sighed and lay your head down on the desk in front of you. "When we get back from our first commercial break we will have a great question and answer fun from our special guest..." you shot your head straight up and glared ruthlessly at the blonde man, "I am currently on lock down at the station with our station manager, F/N L/N, why don't ya... come say hello to our listeners F/N L/N...." you watched as he crossed his arms over his chest and gave a smug look of amusement. You stood slowly and slammed your hands down on the desk in front of you. You pushed your chair back and walked slowly into the studio and grabbed a head set plopping into the chair across from the hero. You leaned forward, "That's right, good early morning listeners... this is studio manager, F/N L/N and I'm currently trapped-"

"I wouldn't necessarily say trapped-" the blonde man began.

"Trapped! With the one and only Present Mic at the studio, I hope we don't bore you too much!" You let out a small appropriate laugh while giving Mic a death glare. "Nonsense F/N! I'm sure it's gonna be a blast! Stay tuned folks!" You heard him say before pushing the button muting both of them, then pushing another to start the commercial, you slap your hands on the table and stand up. "I'm going to literally kill you." You say glaring at him not breaking eye contact. You watch him fake being scared, "Oh no what will I do! Y/N is mad at meeee oh noooooooo!" He feigned,"Reeeeelaaaaaaax you'll be fiiiiiiine-" You approach him and wrap a hand around his neck cutting off his air way, your quirk is strength but you were unable to get much stronger due the weak quirk lineage you had, he looked down at you with a slack jaw grin and raised his hands in surrender. You glared harder and tightened your grip, you watch his smile get a little bigger and he wrapped his bigger hand around your wrist, "Now now you may have a quirk but, you're no match for a pro." He said as he pulled your hand off his throat with no effort. You gave him a jab in the side with your free arm and he faked injury, "Of all the people. OF ALL THE PEOPLE!!" You say throwing your arms in the air before promptly turning back into the sound room and adjusting the knobs and sliders that controlled your side of the mics and turned slowly to look at the clock again 1:22 a.m.

Fuck.... you thought to yourself and rubbed the back of your neck.
"You know if you have a neck ache I can help loosen you up..." you heard a soft deep sultry whisper from behind you. You desperately wished it didn't make a familiar feeling swell up between your legs. You turned around caught off guard by the heros closeness, his half lidded chartreuse eyes locked with your E/C ones, you managed to let out a small scoff and pushed yourself past him hearing him let out a low chuckle made your thighs squeeze together slightly. You returned in the studio and promptly placed the headset over your ears and watched as he did the same, he licked his bottom lip slightly and winked at you, you could feel the heat rise against your already warm skin. You managed to roll your eyes at him but on the inside you were screaming.
"Welcome back you lovely night owls..." you listened as he began, his voice had a low sultry undertone to it and he was staring intently at you. You felt your thighs squeeze together as he continued, "Now listeners here's the first song of the early morning were gonna start with, Hotel California by The Eagles, I hope-" he's cut off by the sound of a transformer blowing nearby, the lights flickered and then shut off.
"No! Nonononononononono!!!" You say slamming your forehead on the table, you stand up carefully in the solid dark room and pull out your cellphone using your flashlight, you shine it at the hero who groans and covers his eyes, "Watch where you point that! Fuck!" You hear him complain, you roll your eyes not that he can see and navigate around slowly to get to the hallway. You gasp slightly as you look out the quarter way covered window. You looked at your snowed in car in the street that was slowly being buried. "It's crazy right?" You hear the hero say beside you softly, you look over at him almost not recognizing the softness in his voice, "Y-Yeah, yeah it's crazy alright." You respond looking away from him thankful the darkness kept any blushing you had hidden.
"Now... it's going to be a really long night..." you whisper back in response as you both stare out the building snow in the now dark radio station.

Present Mic x reader (My hero academia) ((lemon))Where stories live. Discover now