Chapter Three

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The next morning JiYeong woke a lot earlier than she wanted to, not even having to open her eyes to know she did not get enough sleep. She let out a groan, stretching and feeling her back crack in reply.

"Ugh, I'm too old for this." She grumbled, peeking an eye open to look at her phone. It was fully charged so she pulled it off its charger and turned it on.

Now that JiYeong was awake there wasn't much of a chance of her falling back asleep so she opened both eyes, rolling out of bed. She decided she may as well shower and put on clothes that weren't sweaty for the day, even if they were just another set of pajamas.

Afterwards she went back to her room to grab her phone, seeing a couple of texts from Lilia that she'd missed. With phone in one hand she sent a quick text to Lilia telling her the phone had died and that she'd be getting on Blades of Honor in a bit. While she sent the message she made her way to the kitchen, making herself a bowl of cereal. With food in hand she shuffled to her computer, booting it up and munching on the cereal while she waited.

She checked her phone, Lilia hadn't texted her back yet but she didn't really expect her to, since it was early and Lilia probably hadn't gotten home until after one in the morning so she was probably still asleep.

JiYeong wished she were still asleep. It was barely nine in the morning and she definitely could have slept more, but her body didn't want to be asleep anymore. So here she sat, eating a bowl of cereal and logging in to Blades of Honor.

It didn't take long for the game to boot up, but she was done with her cereal by the time she finished logging in and loading her character into the world. She was still in Farron, though her character was outside of the Guild Hall. It must have kicked her once she logged out.

Not thinking much of it JiYeong pulled up the in game map to see how far Blackmeadow - a city that sat right on the edge of the Faerie Kingdom of Sylfelia and the origin point of her current quest - was from her current location.

"Too far to run." JiYeong muttered to herself. She typed in the command to warp, and within seconds was at the entrance of Blackmeadow.

The graphics on the game were breathtaking. JiYeong often loved to just sit for a time and look at the scenery of different towns. Occasionally she would take a screenshot of the different views Blades of Honor had to offer, using a couple for her desktop background and phone lock screen.

Because Blackmeadow was just inside Sylfelia and just on the other side of the forest, it was sunny a majority of the time, and the trees looked the same as they did in Farron; reds, oranges and yellows were mixed in amongst the green, though more were inside the town since Blackmeadow sat mostly inside the forest.

The leaves on the tree moved ever so slightly, as did the hair on JiYeong's character, showing her that there was a small breeze.

That was another thing JiYeong liked about Blades of Honor was the weather system. She'd played plenty of games where there was only one type of weather all the time. In this game, the weather changed pretty frequently. And even though there were certain towns like Blackmeadow, where there was a set type of season all the time, there were still things like rain, fog, and clouds that could happen at any given moment. There were also certain clothing you could wear during certain weather that would keep your character from overheating in the desert or getting soaked during a rainstorm. It was a thing JiYeong took quite a while to get used to, but after years of playing the game she couldn't really see herself going back to how other games were.

JiYeong made sure the items she'd gotten from the dungeon runs yesterday were in her pack before going to the small hut the quest giver was at. She was a Faerie named Iridia, and the items were needed to create some type of medicine. JiYeong admittedly never really read the quest information before accepting it if it wasn't a quest that was important to the main storyline.

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