Chapter 8: Thank you, Taemin.

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Chapter 8: Thank you, Taemin.

[Taemin’s POV]

This is it.

I’m gonna do it.

I pressed the call button and called Leirie Jung.

“Yeoboseyo?” Her sweet-toned voice said after the 4th ring.

“It’s me, Taemin.”

“O-Oh, T-Taemin..”

“I need to tell you something…”

“A-About what?”

“Ummm… Let’s just meet… At the front porch café.”

“W-Will that be okay for y-you?”

“I’ll be using disguise, Leirie.” I chuckled at her caringness.

“Okay. S-See ya at 5pm?”

“Okay, I’m good.” I said before saying ‘bye’

“Okay, bye.” She said with a shy tone.


I ended the call. Now, for Minho-Hyung.

“H-Hyung…” I said peeking on the door.

“Oh? Minnie-ah? Come in.” Minho-Hyung said while typing on his laptop.

“I need to tell you something important.”

“What is it?”

“It’s regarding Onew-Hyung…”

He looked up.

“Does hyung having a problem?”

I nodded.

“About what?”

“Y-You and Irish’s relationship…”



[Leirie’s POV]


“WHAT?!” I whispered-scream.

“Shhh…” Taemin shushed me.

Inspite of my crush on him, I was really shocked by what he told me.

“O-Onew likes  I-Irish?” He nodded. “Since when?”

“Since they were schoolmates way back their elementary days.”


“Oh. Irish is the only person that could call Hyung ‘Jinki’ since he became a K-Pop Idol. And Onew-Hyung is the only one who could call her ‘Jae’ even Minho-Hyung couldn’t.”

“I bet he really loved her.” I thought looking down the table.

Then, and just then I felt someone’s hand wrap around my own. I looked up to see that Taemin is holding my hand. I fought back a blush.

“Please help me tell Irish about it. I can’t tell her directly since I’ve already told Minho-Hyung. Minho-Hyung will think that I’m trying to break their reunited relationship.”

I just sighed and said, “Alright. Arraseo. I’ll h-help you.”

“Gomawo, Leirie-ah… Komaptah.” He smiled.


[Topher’s POV]

I gritted my teeth as Si Woo continued to flirt with Juztine.


I looked else where but still returned my gaze on them… I saw Si Woo put an arm around Juztine’s shoulder.

‘Oh No! He’s so going to get it. That’s where I draw the line. She’s MINE!’

I walked over to them.

“Si Woo?” He looked at me. “Can we talk?”

He looked at Juztine. Juztine just nodded confusedly and I turned to her then smiled., She smiled too.


“So?” Si Woo said.

“You should stay away from her if you don’t want EDEN’s career to fall down on the mud. She’s only mine.” Topher said with authority.

“Brother,” Si Woo calmly said. “I don’t like her. I’m in love with Nana and Nana alone. I knew from the first look that you like each other, Wanna try and tell her?”

I blushed so much.

“I-I Can’t.”


“Our friendship…”


After a few silence…

“I have a plan.” Si Woo smirked at the confused Topher.


[Min Ho’s POV]


“O-Onew-hyung is madly in love with Irish way back in his 4th Grade.”

I was so shocked.

“H-He’s not o-okay right now, hyung. H-He keeps on t-trying to hurt or o-over fatigue his self.” He continued. “He was s-scared that you’ll get hurt s-so he d-didn’t tell a soul before. But I discovered it a year ago. When I saw his black photo album accidentaly. H-He always b-brought that anywhere. B-Because, it’s t-their pictures w-way back their childhood. He t-told me his s-story.”


-End of Flashback-




“Key-hyung?! Waeyo?!” I asked frantically. Hyung was sweating and nervous,

“O-Onew-hyung.. He needs to go to the hospital!!”


“He was playing tennis 6 hours ago then after 4 hours he continued to exercise. Then, when I and Jjong entered the gym room, he’s there. Collapsed!”

“GO CALL 199!!!”


I ran to the Gym Room to see an unconscious Onew on Jonghyun-hyung’s lap.

[A/N: Taemin's Pic at the side..]

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