First Interaction

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Almost a week had passed by and the brunette girl, Raila still hadn't really woke up. She could only calls for water, too weak to even move her limbs. Concerned, Kouen started to add some honey into every water he gave. Soon, her condition began to improve greatly. Her skin aren't pale anymore and the colour of her lips were once bluish and pale. But now they were red like blooming roses in the spring.

One night, Kouen can't sleep. He kept thinking about Raila, is she going to be fine? Then he started to wonder about his siblings. Is Kougyoku now a great empress? How about his lousy brother Mei? Kouha the hype teen and last but not least, what about Hakuryuu? Has he discovers what he truly want? He let go a hefty sigh as he started to wonder about al-Thamen. What will happen now?

Out of the blue, a soft cries begun to linger around his ears. Followed by a grief sound of melancholic tears. 'Could that be Raila?' The crimson male rushed toward the room and sees Raila crying, tremendously uttering words like, "stop it" , "i beg you" , "please"

Without any hesitation, Kouen shakes the girl's body to wake her up. "Oi, are you okay?" The girl finally budge to his call and for the first time, she opened her eyes and reveal a magnificent pair of heterochromia eyes. A condition where the iris had different colours. And Raila had a blast of green and hazel glistening in a hoop of thick black. Her melancholic eyes stares at the male for quite long.

Kouen, who was about to lost in the sails of universe in Raila's eyes, quickly snapped out and says, "it's okay. You are safe here. No one is going to hurt you."

"Hurt... me?" She asked softly. Her silvery matured voice were diamond to Kouen's ear.

"I'm Kouen."


Kouen nodded, stroking each strands of her brunette hair. "Stay with me, En!!" Sobbed the girl, burying her face onto Kouen's muscular chest leaving Kouen dumbfounded but he did nothing when he realized that the girl had fallen asleep. "You must have been through a rough time didn't you?" He ensures that the brunette had fallen seep into her slumber before he put her down onto the bed again. He drew his face closer to Raila whom was still seem to be having another unpleasant dream, a give her a brief kiss on her forehead. Raila smiles.


Hi guys, I really had to apologize earlier for all the short chapters since I'm writing this fanfic using my phone so I would like to apologize for any inconvenience. So what do you think about this story so far? Please kindly leave your comments 😄😄

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