“She wouldn’t have agreed to a paternity test if it wasn’t.” I reached into my pocket and handled him the ultrasound picture, “It would be pretty hard to fake this especially since I was there.” Robert looked at the picture before he handed it back to me.

        “That still doesn’t mean you have to marry her, you can still have every right to see your child. She can’t take that away from you.”

        “She can and she will if I don’t marry her. She said not only will she not put me on the birth certificate as the father. She will get a restraining order on me if I try to come near her or our child. She will make sure I never see our child. We both know she could do it, she could give the baby up and I would never know what happens to it. So don’t think I want this, I don’t want to live a miserable life. Nor do I want to put Benjamin through this, I just don’t see any other way.”

        “Shit Blake, I’m so sorry but there has to be a way to make sure that doesn’t happen. Let me make some calls and in the meantime just don’t mess up the situation more than it already is. In other words stay away from Aden, if you even want a chance with him. don’t go near him and messing it up more, you might get something worse than a black eye.”


        “You have court today, don’t you?” I nodded my head. “Well you can’t go in like that, I’ll tell Gabby to cover for you. I have wanted to see how she does on her own. I was thinking of making her a partner, she has the skills.”

        “She’s good, can’t think of anyone better to choice than her.”

        “Yes I didn’t think so either, also it will give us so more time off to bring her in. I also want someone else, but nobody has really stuck out as much as her.”


        “Okay I’m calling Gilbert in here.” He went to his desk and press the button, “Gilbert can you come into my office and bring in your kit.”

        “Yes sir,” Gilbert said.

        “Why are you calling your assistant in here and what’s this kit he is bringing?”

        “Gilbert works on the weekend as a makeup artist. He is going to do something about that black eye of yours. Even if you’re not going to court today, I can’t have you walking around with that black eye.”

        “Ok Mr. Castillo what did you need me to do?” Gilbert said as he walked in, he had a black case in his hand.

        “I need you to do something about Mr. Pierson’s black eye.”

        “Yes sir,” Gilbert laid his case on the desk and opened it. He turned to face me as he studied my face. “That is a really nasty looking black eye, you must have really pissed someone off.” He grabbed some jars and other things, “Don’t you worry once I’m done with you, you won’t even be able to tell you had a black eye.”

        “Okay I will leave you two alone while I go make some calls, I shall be back later.” Robert walked out of the office as Gilbert went to work. When he was done, I was amazed that you couldn’t see the black eye anymore.

        “Wow that’s amazing,” I said as I tried to find any hint of it.

        “Thanks it took years of practicing.” He put everything back in his case as Robert walked back inside. “What do you think Mr. Castillo?” Robert looked at my face.

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