I saw light and I looked behind me to see me, my chest was burned and then I looked at my form and I found that I was transparent and floating a little. I saw a light and it seemed to suck me in, and then I saw the man look up and our eyes seemed to meet, and then he looked past me and I'm guessing at him getting up quickly and starting to run over was a bad sign that they didn't want to let me die, I tried to swim through the air but it got me no where, I tried to kick, run, or anything that would get me to that light faster, but I felt something warm on my leg and I looked own to see that the person had grabbed my leg, they had grabbed my transparent leg and were dragging me back from the light. I tried to kick and hit them, but my hands went through their form, and I looked at the light one last time before I felt myself yanked down and I was plunged into an unpleasant darkness this time. 

I shot up and looked around, I was in a bed, and I looked down to see that I was alive. I sighed and sat up, and then I noticed that same figure in the corner of the room sleeping in the corner. I touched the floor with my bare foot and it's eyes opened to reveal swirling vortexes of light and stars. I was mesmerized and then they started to walk up to me, and I jumped out of bed and got out Riptide, at least I still had that to keep myself safe. Then they pulled down their hood and she pushed aside my blade and hugged me. I stiffened not knowing what to do, I was still in shock because I wasn't used to hugs like this anymore besides from my mother, Sally. She unhooked her arms from around me and stepped back, I saw that parts of her face where transparent like she was fading. 

"Hi I'm Chaos" she said and I dropped my sword and my vision started to darken again, that last thing I saw was the floor rushing up to meet my face. 

I woke up and looked around, I was in a different room and it was filled with black empty space and specks that looked like stars. I looked in all of the corners before walking randomly around the room looking at the walls, the things in the wall seemed to me moving, and then I realized that everything was real, I pulled out Riptide just as to floor gave way and the next thing I knew I was falling. I hit a white floor and groaned rolling around gripping my side, and then I noticed a pair of feet just at my face. I sat up and noticed that Riptide was at my feet, I grabbed it and stood twirling around and pointing it at the person before me. She pushed it aside and I lowered it when I saw that the holes were bigger. 

"Okay I think that we got off on the wrong foot back there" she said gripping the back of her neck like she was nervous "I'm Chaos that creator and you are my son" 

"What" I said dumbfounded "I'm the son of Sally and Pos--"

"Yeah that's that thing" she grabbed my shoulders like Sally did when I wasn't paying attention to her "I implanted fake memories into their heads and made them and you think that you were their son, but after a couple of years I got lonely and wanted you back, and I guess that I took you at the wrong time" 

"Actually yes and no" I said and she looked at me in surprise and I noticed that the holes had gotten a little bigger and some had joined together completely and were making a bigger hole "I wanted to die, so I guess that this could be a second chance, but what's wrong with you? Why are their holes in your body?"

"Oh about that, I am fading, and that is another reason why I needed to get you, I am growing old and need to pass on my powers, and that's why I got you, my only son" she said "will you be willing to take my blessing" I nodded 

"What's the catch" I said putting my hand up before she could speak "I know that there has to be some type of side effect" 

"One you'll have to go back to earth as my domain switches to accommodate your tastes" she said that word like it was so foreign to her, but I was mad, no I was beyond mad. 

"What I have to go back!" I exclaimed angry beyond anything 

"Yes I'm sorry, but Earth is my most prized creation and I do not want to see it fall" she said 

"Wait what do you mean" I said calming down a little "why would it fall" 

"Gaea and Tartarus are joining forces and rising up again with the Titans to defeat the Olympians, and if that happens then that world will fall" she said holding a big black ball "and the side effects are that you'll get back your training from your past memories, you'll get your hidden powers back and you'll control my and many other domains because they will be apart of you, oh and you'll be a primordial of Hero's, Swords, Water, Earth, Sky, Fire, Conjuring, a few that you'll find out about yourself, and-" she hurled the ball at me "-the Hunt" I was about to question her when I screamed due to the sudden pain, and then I fell to the floor and I saw that holes in her body join and she disappeared in a boom of white light and stars. Then my vision went black for the third time in one day, and I felt the cold, hard floor under my back. 

Thanks for reading and I'll have another chapter out soon, 3-15-18, 1895 words. 

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