Epilogue P1 [P97]

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Y'all really thought I was gonna stop at 96 chapters? Nah, fam. We makin' it to 100. I got some explainin' to do.

 I got some explainin' to do

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Elle's POV

I held Eissa in my arms and kissed his head as the doctor rushed over to us.

"She's awake."

All of our eyes widened as we stood up and rushed to her room. The doctor lead us inside and to my surprise, there she was. Eyes as big as I last saw them. She was healing well and so was Wissam. He limped inside of the room slightly as her brothers' smirked to themselves.

"Janet, sweetheart, how are you?"

I clenched my jaw and controlled my emotions as he caressed her cheek. She stared at him blankly before scanning the room. I bit the inside of my lip a bit when her brown orbs landed on me. 

I stared back at her, trying my hardest not to run over and kiss her. Her family already knew what we had been through. I confessed to them how I had found her in bed unconscious and I even confessed to them about our relationship. Joseph was the only one who had a problem with it, but I knocked him out of that real quick.

I attached the monitor to my hip and slowly walked towards Janet's bedroom where I heard soft whimpering. I carefully opened the door, enough for it to crack, and peeked inside. My heart dropped once I saw Wissam holding her tight against his chest.

Tears immediately clouded my vision once I noticed how bad he had bruised her. I quickly covered my mouth and sniffled silently, trying to calm my sobbing. I had to get her away from him.

And now here we were. Wissam had been arrested, but being the billionaire he was, bought him some time. Of course, Janet's brothers weren't having that. As soon as they found out he had bought himself some time to get "things" together, they beat his ass.

I only shrugged and walked outside with Eissa. I was only here for him anyway. Nothing else was my concern, besides Janet.

He frowned and looked over at me once he noticed that she wasn't speaking to him. Jackie carefully grabbed Eissa, allowing me to walk over.

"Get up." Randy said as he squinted at Wissam, whom reluctantly stood and moved out of the way. I sat on the edge of her bed and held her hand as a tear rolled down her face. I giggled softly and brushed my finger swiftly across her cheek.

"Now, why're you cryin' huh? I'm here." She reached up for my face, cupping it gently. It was as if she was trying to make sure I was real.

I giggled at her as she smiled and pulled me close. Our noses brushed against each other's before I decided to lean in closer. Her lips met mine as we both sighed happily. Even though she may not remember what happened, at least her feelings were still here.

I kissed her gently and smiled, softly breaking the kiss. I didn't want it to develop into something more while her parents were around.

"I've missed you." She smiled softly and spoke the same,

"I've missed you more.." I chuckled,

"I'll explain everything to you later. Alright?"

She nodded slowly and pecked my lips again before pulling back. I held Eissa and sat in a chair as everyone greeted her. He babbled and shoved his face into my curls like usual. I chuckled at him and shook my head, causing him to giggle.

After everyone was done and some had left, Gil and Ryan made their way inside the room. I smiled at her as she sat beside me.

"I can't believe she's finally awake." I giggled,

"Me neither." She nudged me and smirked, whispering,

"So... when are you going to ask her the big question?" I widened my eyes and nudged her,

"Shh! She.. she just woke up... besides, I'm sure she has feelings, but now would be a bad time to ask. She's still married to him." She sighed and nodded,

"That's true. Just leave it up to Gil and I." I shook my head,


"Queen, you're awake! I brought you these!" Janet giggled as Gil held up the giant teddy bear and flowers.

"..thank you, Gil." He grinned and set everything down before sitting beside her.

"No, thank you, Jan. I don't know what I would have done without you. You were out for so long, girl." She sighed and rested her hand on his.

"I'm awake now, aren't I?" He smiled and kissed her forehead,

"Yeah.. you are." Ryan and I squealed from the cute bond they shared.

"They're so cute." I nodded, agreeing with Ryan,

"Damn right." We both gasped and tried to cover Eissa's ears. Oops.


Janet's POV

I sighed and stared at them, feeling a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. I had told them [Gil, Ryan, & Elle] all about what happened in my head. Elle kept kissing my hand and shoulder to calm me down whenever I would get overly emotional.

"So.. y'all were married?" Gil asked. I nodded and looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed. Elle smirked and kissed my neck softly, causing me to shiver.

"S-Stop." She giggled,

"Do you really want me to?" I bit my lip and stared at her as Gil laughed.

"She wakes up after a month and the first thing she does is get horny." Ryan laughed at Gil while I rolled my eyes.

"I can't believe I was the bad guy." I chuckled at Ryan as she pouted.

"It felt pretty real.."

"Why would I be upset about you and Elle? I mean, I support ya. Get that pussy, sis!" Elle widened her eyes as Gil and I fell out laughing.


"What? It's true." I giggled and glanced at Elle as she smiled, glancing at me.

"So, I'm not a Huxtable?" I smiled at her,

"I mean... it was just a dream." She nodded and stroked my hair as I laid against her,

"Yes, but you got one part right that I never told you. How'd you know about Mrs. King?" Ryan looked over at me and arched her eyebrow,

"What kind of paranormal mess.." I blinked at the both of them,

"I..I don't know." She kissed my forehead while we all looked at one another.

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