3- chuckie cheese

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Warning. Self harm.
Maddie's pov
3 weeks later
Kalani stopped bullying me. And she called nia and Cameron off
School has been a lot better.
And kalani is mine and Kendal friend again wich is awesome.
But the more I hang out with kalani the more I like her.
I walk to mackenzie room and open the door to see her on the floor with a gun. My heart stops.

"Kenz. Give me the gun"
She shakes her head.
"Fuck no Maddie. I wanna die!"
I sigh deeply
"Mackenzie you promised me. We made a promise. That I would live only if you would live with me. Please don't break that promise. I don't think mom could handle two dead kids"
She starts to shake
"Please mackenzie. Put the gun down hand it to me"
I walk a little closer and she puts her finger on the trigger

"I'm sorry mads...I'm sorry.."
I think
"Your killing 3 people if you pull that trigger. Your killing me kendal and Lauren. Because you die. So will Lauren. And so will I. And if I die so will kendal"
She deeply sighs.
"I just wanna be okay Maddie...I can't get dads hands off of me...it's been 3 years Maddie. Why do I still feel so broken? I mean. We live s good life. Greg is super nice and so is mom. What's wrong with me Maddie" she puts the gun down and I run to her side taking the bullets out of it. I hold her.
"It's nothing wrong with you baby girl. Nothing at all. What he did was wrong. I feel it too...i still have nightmares about him. It's not your fault. And I'm gonna get you help okay? I'm gonna get you a Therpiast so you can talk to someone." She nods and cry's. I pick her up and take her to my room. We lay in my bed until she falls asleep. I fall asleep 15 minutes after her.

Kalanis pov
I sit in my bathroom. Blood running down my wrist.
My dad molested me today. And I feel like shit. 
He said 'I've never had a gay girl. I wonder how they taste' when he was done he said 'you taste good. Maybe even better then your mom. But don't tell her I said that'

That was 4 hours ago.
I scrubbed and scrubbed st my body.
I wanna die. I fucking hate life.
I make another cut on my wrist. This time it was deeper.
I sigh and watch the blood hit the tile floor.
I slowly get up and rinse the blood off my arm and wrap it. Then I clean the blood off the floor.
I text amber.
Amber is my current girlfriend. I've fucked her once. I don't really care about her I just want her for sex.

Kalani😘:"Bring your ass over here."
Amber💦:"Okay Mommy"
I make my girlfriends call me mommy or master. Never kalani or Lani
I own them and I make it known to them that I will can do whatever the fuck I want to them.

Soon amber is in my room. I smirk
"Come here slut"
She walks to me and I grab her ass pulling her down into my lap. I kiss her and my kisses trail down her body. I suck on her neck and she moans. I leave hickeys all the way down her neck.
I take her shirt off and grab her breast

When I'm done with her I smirk.
"Amber go home."
She groans. "Why can't I stay Mommy?"
I pin her against the wall and kiss her. "Because I said go the fuck home. Do you want me to spank you amber?"
She shivers "n-no"
I smirk and kiss her agian. "Go fucking home then. I'll see you at school tomorrow"
She nods and runs out. 

Soon Jax walks in and I grunt
"What Jax?"
He smiles
"Why don't you keep one girlfriend? You have so many"
I smirk "I'm a player Jax . I fuck em and leave em"
He laughs "Can I do that too Lani?"
I smile at his innocence
"No Jax. Be better then me. Treat a girl with respect. Not just as a fuck toy"
He nods.
"Yea Jax?"
"Do you even like your girlfriends?"
I smile at him "no Jax. I don't." He nods and sits on my bed.
"Lani can you take me to chuckle cheese?"
I laugh "ummmm Sure. But your changing out of that outfit. You look like a sloppy nerd"
He laughs
"Okay Lani. Can you pick an outfit for me?"  I nod and walk to his room and find him and outfit

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