“Oh Wes.” I whisper, my hands hovering over her body. Her skin is pale and she’s lost weight. I know that if she saw herself, she would joke that she’s a modern day Sleeping Beauty. I smile and sit back on my heels. 

“You’re alive.” I whisper, trailing my fingers down her hand and over each finger. “It’s just you and me now Wes. Just you and me.” 


I fist my sheets as I get up in the morning, struggling to sit up in my bed. I run my hands over my face, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes. Then I remember. My mistakes, the guilt, what I’ve done wrong. Shit. My body suddenly feels heavy and I can’t breathe.
“Niall!” My mom yells from downstairs. I groan and stand up, treading down the hardwood steps. 

“Yes?” I ask, entering the kitchen. 

“Sit.” She points to a chair pushed out from the table. 

I comply and sit down, nervous. 

“What did you do to Brinley? Why’d she just up and leave? And I know you have something to do with it mister.” She says, pointing a wooden spoon in my direction. 

“Mom I just messed up. Badly. I lied to her and screwed her over.”

“Niall you’re going to have to tell me the details.”

“I can’t. I wish I could - I really do, but I can’t and I won’t. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to fix things with her.”

“Honey, sometimes things are unfixable. Sometimes you need to try as hard as you can to fix them. Do what you think is best for both you and her.” She smooths my hair down and I nod. 

“Then I think I have to go and talk to her. I’ll be back in a few days mom.” I say, standing up and kissing her cheek. 

“Niall.” She says, and I turn around.

“Just remember that you might have to wait awhile for her to forgive you. Are you willing to put yourself through that?”

“I’ll wait for years if I need to.” I say, shutting the door behind me. 


I’m sorry.

I read the message on my phone. These anonymous messages have started to get pretty annoying. 

Who is this?

I text back, hoping for a reply but as the usual I never get one. I sigh and throw my phone on the couch opposite the bed. 

“Do you want to read a book? Or maybe watch a movie?” I ask Brinley, not expecting an answer.

I rifle through the books and movies in a cluttered pile in the corner of her room. One of Wes’ nurses, Amanda, walks in. 

“Oh hi Brinley. Haven’t seen you in a few days.”

“I took a little vacation.”

“Where’s that Neil fellow? Wes’ loves him.”

“He won’t be coming back.” I sharply reply. Amanda gets the hint and continues checking on Wesley. 

“Do you have any idea how long she’ll be?” I whisper, twisting my fingers together. 

“No Brinley, we don’t. It’s hard to give a ballpark estimate. She’s a trooper having made it this far however - most patients don’t.”
I mean that’s great and all except for the fact that she can’t eat on her own, or talk to anyone or function without being attached to multiple machines. 

“Yeah I guess.” Amanda leaves the room and I slide up next to Wes. 

“Whenever you need to, you can let go Wes. There’s nothing for you here. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I’ll see you eventually. I’ll just have to wait awhile, but I’m alright with that. It’s time for you to move on from here.” I lightly touch her cheeks and they feel cold. 

“You of all people, why did this have to happen to you? You’re too young Wes.” I grab a random book and sit down, my legs strewn across hers like old times. 

“You know what? You hated books anyway.” I give a smile as I throw the book next to my phone. My hands are settled under my ribcage as I lean back, thinking.

“Alright. There once was a girl named Wesley. She was the healthiest girl you’d ever met. Wesley never had to get shots or take any medicine cause she never got sick, and could run for miles without breathing hard. Her hair never fell out and she was the most gorgeous girl on this earth ...” 

I kept talking until the moon rose up through the window. Amanda walks in and taps my shoulder. 

“C’mon sweetie, visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow.” I nod and stand up, grabbing my things. I kiss Wesley’s forehead and make my way down the hall. I pass Molly by and wave goodnight before stepping into the night. I’m about to call a cab when I realize I have no money left. I tap my pockets, looking for any change but can’t find any. 

“This is so not happening right now.” I groan. 

I frantically search the pockets of my coat again but find nothing. I take out my phone and dial the number by heart. I pray that the phone will pick up and after a few dial tones it does. 

“Hello?” I ask tentatively. 

“Brinley?” The voice asks, surprised. 


I step off the plane, pissed off. See the lady next to me couldn’t stop talking about her grandchildren.

“Oh look at little Johnny. He just graduated the seventh grade and plays basketball. He made C team but I have faith he could be top of varsity by next season. He’s just got to get a little meat on his bones! Now Marissa here, just joined the tennis team and just learned how to get the ball over the net!” 

She talked so much that her dentures fell out. On my lap. Talk about traumatizing. I wiped up the stain as best as I could, but people are still giving me weird looks. I left my car in Florida in my haste to get to the airport as quick as possible. Just as I lean off the curb to get a taxi, my phone rings. I answer it quickly without checking caller I.D.

“Brinley?” I ask.

Sorry for the long wait! Tell me if you want me to keep updating or not! Oh and if you could check out my new series, 'Imagines' - they're just imagines of all the boys that'd be awesome! Thank you!

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