Chapter 2

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Doctor Sara Parker looked over the file that she had on the New Species that made an appointment at Reservation. Normally, she would make them wait a while before she flew all the way from Homeland to come here, but she felt that this specific case warranted haste. This male is known for being incredibly aggressive and has never once asked to get checked out by a doctor. From his file, it seemed that even when he needed to get checked out he refused so the fact that he made an appointment for himself is monumental. It also means that something is probably very wrong. The male lives in the Wild Zone and has been mixed with mainly lion DNA. He is approximately 6 feet 6 inches and is more animal than man. Valiant. The mate to Tammy and father to a young boy. She wondered briefly why he would make an appointment but quickly discarded the thought because she recognized that she should just be glad that he did. 

Sara is the lead doctor for the New Species now that Slade no longer lets Trisha work all of the time in order to keep her safe from anyone who would want to harm her. Sara doesn't have anyone to worry about her so no one tried to tell her not to take the job as lead doctor. That's fine with her, since she's always been comfortable alone, however, sometimes she does wish that she had someone as loving as Trisha's big male, Slade. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Sara started and almost spilled her coffee but caught it and quickly composed herself. Flame opened the door and peered inside. She has a sneaking suspicion-no, she knows- that Flame has a crush on her because she always catches him checking her out. Not to mention the fact that he constantly compliments her and showers her with unnecessary sexual innuendoes. Sometimes it's nice to hear that someone thinks that she's attractive, but she only thinks of Flame as a friend. But then again, he is one fine male specimen with his tall frame, wide shoulders, beautiful cat-like eyes, and constant shit-eating grin. 

"Um, Sara?", Flame says with a an adorably confused look on his face. "Are you okay or do you need your own doctor? You look like you're gonna pass out but that's okay because I know mouth to mouth resuscitation", he purrs with a wink. 

Sara softly chucked to herself and responded with, "I'm fine, Slade, and don't worry, I don't need any saving so your skills will have to be used on someone else, somewhere else". She added her own wink to throw him off guard and to gauge his reaction. The facial twitch was rewarded with Flame giving her his own smile and softly shaking his head.

"Sara Bear, I know you want me. If you ever need someone to practice your skills on, I'll happily comply and be your patient. You can have your wicked way with me." He smirked and continued on by saying, "Which brings me to  something I've been meaning to tell you, I have something real hard and long that I want you to check out for me-if you know that I mean."

Sara just responded with an eye-roll. She's known Flame for months and this is nothing short of normal for the two of them. She knows he has a crush on her but it's nothing serious. He takes a new female to his bed every night and doesn't take much anything seriously. It's fine by her, her job is stressful and having funny and friendly conversation helps lighten the mood, especially after particularly hard days. Besides, Flame is her personal body guard and helps regulate the flow in and out of the office for her.

"Anyway...", Flame started, "your next patient is here and you're in for a treat with this one".

Sara instantly felt dread pool in her stomach. She tried to shake off the uneasy feeling but to no avail. She knows that Mr. Valiant can be very testy and hopes that he's not in a horrible mood when she treats him. From his file, she knows that he is large enough to practically eat her for dinner. Or as a snack considering the fact that she is barely five feet tall. 

"Okay." she shakily said and quickly took a deep, shaky breath to calm her nerves. "Let mr. Valiant in to room two and I'll be there in a minute."

Flame suddenly smiles wide, making his cat eyes crinkle at the corners and said, "Sure thing, Sara Bear, I'll let Mr. Valiant into room two and tell him to wait there".

Then, Flame closed the door and she heard his foot steps as he walked away. Briefly, she heard soft words spoken and she assumed that Flame was telling the other New Species male what room to go to. She really hoped that Valiant was no longer in a bad mood and wouldn't try to eat her when she ran basic tests like checking his heart rate and taking blood.

Sara found it odd that Flame stressed the other New Specie's name but chalked it up to the fact that New Species didn't always have a perfect grasp on the intricacies of language. In fact, there are plenty of humans who weren't raised in insolation and tortured daily who don't have a great grasp on proper vernacular. New Species actually do incredibly well. Take that you racist pricks, Sara curses in her head. 

She briefly takes another glance over Mr. Valiant's file again and settles her hands on the desk in front of her. She braced her arms and slightly stretched her back and neck trying to find some relief from the tension in her body. I can do this, she chanted to herself. I can treat him. They can smell fear and stop being such a weak bitch and just go and meet your patient. It'll be fine. 

Her pep talk failed to settle her nerves but she persevered and straightened from the desk. She grabbed his file and started making her way out of her office and into the hallway. She glanced around for Flame and spotted him sitting about ten feet from her in the weighting room. He was smirking to himself and she had to admit that it made him look very attractive. All New Species were attractive but there is something enticing about a dangerous male who is sure and confident in his abilities. He glanced up and straightened from his position of a chair tipped back on two legs with his own crossed and settled onto of the coffee table. 

"Little Bear, hurry up and get to your patient before Valiant gets mad", he taunted with a huge smile splayed across his face and a raised eyebrow.

Sara frowned at him but heeded his words and continued her walk down the hallway. Room ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, and three all passed much too quickly. Suddenly, and too quickly for her liking, room two was in front of her. She took another calming breath and tried to appear composed and confident but she kew it wouldn't fool a feline species. Especially not one as animal-like as Valiant. They can smell fear. Regardless, she tried her best and opened the heavy door with a slow but measured movement, hoping not to startle the male and set him into a rage. 

She didn't look at the male directly but saw a huge and muscular form out of the corner of her eye. She turned her back to him and shut the door calmly so that it did not slam into place. Then, she turned around and raised her eyes to the male. Suddenly, she was all too aware that this male was certainly not the infamous Mr. Valiant.

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